I'm still here, working away in the Sweat Shop. If you read my last post, I mentioned that our heat was out again. Oddly enough, it started working at around 1 p.m. on Sunday, so the rest of the day was fairly comfortable.
I managed to get my house cleaned on Sunday, and my daughter arrived in the evening to stay for a day or so and get some Christmas shopping done. No Drooling Dog came with her this time, so our younger cat, Spike, is beside herself with joy. Originally Spike was my daughter's cat, but she couldn't take her when she moved, so Spike stayed with us.
On Sunday, I worked on making some journals and a couple other things, none of which can be shown right now due to (1) secrecy because the recipients may (or may not) read my blog, and (2) some of the stuff that's not quite so secret isn't completely done and not ready for viewing. So instead of showing you some completed projects, I'll just show you my work spaces.

My son's bed is covered with various craft supplies that I anticipate needing at some point in the next few days. It's easier to have everything out in one place rather than rummage through the closet and drawers to find what I need.

The table in the Sweat Shop was also covered with "stuff"--the more immediate supplies for the things I was working on. Two of the journals will require a little sewing, so I had to clean everything up so I can put my sewing machine back up Monday night and move on to the next step of construction.
Once I get the journals done, I think I only have two more arts and crafts projects and then I can go back to making quilts--there are a couple I want to make as gifts.
While I was engaged in gift production today, my husband ventured out to run a few errands and battle crowds. His aunt moved into an assisted living facility this past summer, and he wanted to bring her a Christmas tree to brighten up her little place. I had purchased the tree and lights, and we had some wooden bead garland, so he just had to stop at Michael's and Target to buy some ornaments. Then the two of them had a wonderful afternoon together, decorating her little tree. When she walked him out to his van, they were tickled to look up at her window and see her Christmas tree all lit up. I think that's the best thing about Christmas--helping bring joy to others.
I hope your season is filled with joy!
Course there is that coffee cup in plain view on your work table. Looks pretty clean to me.
Was really nice of your DH to think of getting a tree and decorating it for his Aunt. Very thoughtful.
Your DH is a sweetie! I'll bet his aunt will be smiling ovef their visit for a long time!
You've been busy! Wish I could say the same! (Hugs)
How nice of your hubby to do that for his aunt. I know he made her day!!
Looks like your one busy little elf there. I'm feeling like Ill never get my packages mailed out!! Times a fleeing.
Wow! I am impressed with all the project supplies you have there! I'm fascinated to see what you do with all of it!
What a lovely story about your hubby and his aunt. I definitely agree - bringing joy to others is the best thing about this time of year. Glad your heat came back on, too!
You are making me tired just reading all that you are getting done! I wish I could feel like I"m getting something done!
What a sweet story getting the tree and decorating with DH's aunt. I bet she was tickled to have someone think of her.
Sounds like you've been busy! Here's hoping your heating issues get dealt with soon -- that intermittent heat thing would drive me nuts! Your husband is such a sweetie -- sounds like he and his aunt had a great time.
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