Have you seen her? If so, send her back!
I've been locked into the Sweat Shop at night, working on arty crafty projects that use elements of collage, scrapbooking, and altered art. I've always been creative in one form or another, so I wasn't too intimidated to take on these projects, but once I got started, I realized it's much harder than it looks. Creating when it comes to quilting is a whole lot different from creating when it comes to other, more free-form art projects. I think I've finally found my groove though, and I hope to finish these projects tonight and get back to a couple quilting projects that need to be done by Christmas. I'd like to show you photos but I can't right now because the pesky recipients may potentially SEE the photos and that would ruin the surprise. I DID make my daughter a neat little paperweight that I wanted to show you, but you know me--the photo didn't turn out well, and I can't take another just yet because the paperweight is at work on my desk. Rats!
But I will show you this--nothing I created, just something I purchased. I'm excellent, by the way, at purchasing things! Anyway, Santa came home from the grocery store with me last night--
I had seen him before and thought he was pretty cute. He just seemed to fit my "Holly Jolly" theme. But at $20 or so, I decided I didn't really need to invite Santa over to stand around under my kitchen tree. Last night, though, when I stopped at the store, Santa was half off, so into my cart he lept. And doesn't he look happy to be visiting my home?! I think even my husband was a little tickled with him, and he normally moans and groans when I bring something home that he'll eventually need to pack away in the garage.
My heat has continued to work okay this week, thank goodness! We talked to the heating guy on Monday morning, and he ordered a new switch of some sort for the unit. He thought the part would be in tomorrow, and he'll be able to come out and install it without anyone having to hang around the house, missing work while waiting for the repair guy. So, good news on that front--so far. Of course, we haven't had the terrible ice storms that blanket much of the country, but there's frost on everything in the mornings and it's getting pretty chilly out. I would hate to be without heat just now!
I hope you and those close to you are enjoying a joyous holiday season! Back to work for me! Thanks for visiting!
That is one CUTE Santa!!! and he goes perfectly with your little elves!
Your little tree area is too cute. And so if the big fat guy in the red suit.
Santa looks absolutely perfect under your little tree - of course he HAD to come home with you. He knew just how great he'd look standing there.
All you people who do other crafts - the altered books, collage, scrap booking and such - just amaze me. I'm great as long as the craft involves a needle and thread. Give me any other medium and my creativity just flies out the window. Looking forward to seeing what you are doing.
Loving that Santa. As for other crafts? Um -- well, let's just say a paintbrush is NOT my friend and I had to play with one today. Eeeek. Luckily today's gift offering is for my least critical audience :0). I'll get kisses no matter what!
Santa is cute, but I'm lovin the little elf guys!!
AH, yes, Santa says Thank you for giving him a home. Cute. !!
I wish my grocery store had a Santa like that for sale! He is the cutest guy, and fits perfectly under the tree!
I'm sure your inner artiste is alive and well, she's just stretching her wings and will be back momentarily. I am excited to see all the wonderful things you are creating!
Cute, cute, cute! You know every time I read "Holly Jolly" I can't get that Burl Ives song out of my head...
"Have a holly jolly Christmas. It's the best time of the year. Well I don't know if there'll be snow but have a cup of cheer.
Have a holly jolly Christmas and when you walk down the street say hello to friends you know and everyone you meet.
Ho ho the mistletoe hung where you can see Somebody waits for you kiss her once for me.
Have a holly jolly Christmas and in case you didn't hear oh bygolly have a holly jolly Christmas this year!"
Now I hope it's stuck in YOUR head too! roflol!
I'm so glad that one of us has the decorating gene! I guess I must have missed the line when they were handing that one out! lol Love you little Santa! It's perfect! Thanks for sharing!
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