It's mighty cold in Santa's Workshop today, boys and girls! Santa may need to sip on a few hot buttered rums throughout the day to stay warm, and goodness knows how that may affect quality control issues when it comes to making Christmas gifts!
Last night, Saturday, our heating went out again, and apparently the heating repair guys aren't open on Sundays. We aren't sure if it's the same problem we had last weekend or something different, but it's about 61 degrees in the house this morning, so I'll need to bundle up before I head into the Sweat Shop.
Last night I decorated a few dishtowels--

After that, I cleared the decks of all sewing "stuff" and pulled out materials to work on journal covers, so today will be an arts and crafts day.
Sometime today, I need to clean house. At least I know that will generate a little heat, so it may come as a welcome chore. My daughter is coming down from Tahoe tonight or early tomorrow--without the Drooling Dog! She plans to spend a day or two here and head back home on Tuesday.
The round of Christmas activities will begin this week with an end-of-the-year party on Wednesday with my Thimbleberries Club group. On Saturday, we'll go to Lisa's house for a holiday dinner. In other words, time is passing quickly, and Santa had better get back into the Sweat Shop and get busy! If you see a St. Bernard with a keg of brandy around its neck, send him this way--I may need to be rescued from the arctic cold we have going on here at the North Pole.
The dish towels are so cute! I'd love to make some but I seem to have to many other things to do these days. Sewing is on hold until after Christmas I'm afraid.
We're still warm here... 79 degrees at 4:30 in the afternoon. I'd like it to cool off more than it has, but I'd be freezing too if I were you!
Will you be able to take a day off tomorrow so you can wait for the repair guy?
They tell me you get more work done when it is cool. Quit your whining it is in the 20's here and nothing but ice for the last two days. No shopping or decorating here. Door to storage room is frozen shut and DH said I wasn't going to shop the way the roads were. So I spent the day reading a book. Hope you get the heat back tomorrow. Here we don't even turn it on till it's colder in the house than that. Funny how you get use to the heat and cold. BTW your decorating is lovely. Enjoy!
Linda Z
Not a good time of year to be without heat! At least you are staying productive - the dish towels are very cute!
I knew I was behind reading your blog but my goodness - not this far behind. My bloglines says you've made 200 posts since I visited last. The first post it shows is from the middle of last March! You must have been doing something with old posts - I know I got caught up once this fall! I'll just keep reading backwards until something sounds familiar. Hopefully something will sound familiar . . . .
Cute little gingerbread guys on the towels. Love that rick rack! You mean the fat guy is busy doing something else on Sundays? Like delivering presents, no time for reapairs on your heater. He's got a schedule to maintain you know.
Love the dish towels - what a great idea! I'm sorry your heat went out again! At least the sewing machine still works!
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