Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hey! You're Back!

I don't really notice my followers very much because I have the follower thingy down at the bottom of the blog page. But for some reason, after I posted last night, I noticed all of you had disappeared! Yikes!

Now and then--or probably more often than we ever realize--Blogger does maintenance and improvement "stuff"; and occasionally things go wrong. Like the two times in the last few months when we couldn't post to our blogs. One of those times, after the main problem was fixed, there were still complaints of missing followers, so I remembered that last night and when I checked the Blogger Help Group, I saw I wasn't the only one. Anyway, I'm glad you were found--wherever you strayed to. I have no idea how long it wasn't working but I guess it's recovered now.

So that's it. That's the best I can do for content tonight. I've been sick since Sunday with a stomach bug and maybe allergies. Although my stomach seems to have recovered, my head is taking a turn at trying to get my attention. I stayed home from work and laid around and read, slept, and did a little hand stitching while watching TV. It sure felt like a complete waste of a good day! I hope a good night's sleep will banish any lingering symptoms. So I'll see you back here tomorrow. Unless you disappear again.


LibbiesHome said...

My followers were off wandering yesterday, too! Hope you are feeling better today!

QuiltingFitzy said...

...and then there's some of us who are like gum on your shoe. Can't really get rid of us!

Feel better soon!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Feel better, Kim!

sunny said...

My followers stray away on a regular basis, but always come back, sometimes with a refresh button, sometimes ?????

AnnieO said...

My followers wandered away on Friday and after an extra-long weekend, returned this morning :) Hope they had a restful and fun time!

strawberrycream39 said...

I had the same stomach bug/allergies malady. Not fun. Hope you're feeling better. My nose is still stuffy but at least my stomach is on the mend.