Saturday, February 5, 2011

A French Valentine

Thanks go out to all of you who responded yesterday to my question about what kind of gift you'd want from your husband or significant other. I know some of you said you don't celebrate Valentine's Day but you answered the question anyway, and that's exactly what I was hoping everyone would do. Now, if any of you have gift-challenged Hubbies and think that reading the gift-receiving desires of your fellow quilters might help set him on the right path, please feel free to click on the comments and sit him down to do a little reading. If I recall correctly, there wasn't a teddy bear wish among you and only a couple pairs of pajamas.

The last comment I read tonight was posted by my friend Julie-Julia, who thought long and hard and decided what she wants most is a love letter from her husband. It's a romantic idea, isn't it? I hope she gets her wish one of these days.

You know what else is kind of romantic? French. So I thought in honor of Valentine's Day--the holiday that's supposed to embody romance--I'd have a little giveaway of something French, sort of--

Yes, the Mon Ami pattern IS gently used--by me--and now I'm ready to pass it on along with two charm packs of French General's Rural Jardin, the fabric used in the quilt on the cover. The winner will just need the neutral background fabric (3/4 yard) and border fabric (1/2 yard).

If you'd like a chance to win the pattern and charm packs, please leave a comment on this post, telling me to enter you in the drawing. I'll draw a name Sunday night and the winner will be announced on Monday's post, so come back then to see if you've won and claim your prize. Good luck and thanks for visiting!



Orcsmom said...

Wow, I am the first! I hope that brings me luck!! I miss you! We need to get together soon!! Hugs!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win the lovely Valentines charms.
frances c

Andrea said...

Ooh yes please - I would love to win this. Thankyou. You just gave me a good chuckle early this morning. I told my husband of 22 years I would like him to write me a love letter for Valentines Day- he looked panicked - lol ! He's not really into the romance thing. Can't wait to see if I get one - not holding my breath haha xxx

Melissa said...

I would love the chance to win this great pattern and fabric:) Both are lovely:) Thanks for hosting and have a Blessed weekend.

Deb said...

It was fun reading the comments from yesterday. There sure are differences between men and women when it comes to gifts lol

Would love a chance to win this fabulous giveaway. Thank you for the chance.

antique quilter said...

oh I would love to make this little quilt from Miss Rosie! it would look wonderful on my kitchen table!
thanks!!!! and of course the two charm packs are a REAL BONUS!!!! perfect colors for my kitchen.

Sunnybec said...

Bonjour! Your post made me laugh! The French bit caught my eye, because I live in France now. Then the bit about French romance....we are now into our 8th year living in France and none of the French romance has rubbed off on my hubby!! Oh well maybe I will win this giveaway to make up for it. Merci beaucoup! Linda

Wilma Lee said...

I asked for a love letter from my husband on our 25th anniversary. I still have it!!

Enter me in the contest!! I love the prize.

sarahbethe said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I've enjoyed watching your progress on the Mon Ami quilt! sarahbethe at yahoo dot com

Donna said...

Yes, please enter me. I love this pattern and the French General's Rural Jardin is beautiful. Happy quilting!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I've been so lucky in your drawings, I can't resist entering this one. Because I loved that quilt the whole time you were making it and if I don't win, I'm just going to have to go out and buy the pattern!

LibbiesHome said...

I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Thank you :)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love passing on patterns - the French General fabric is lovely -I would love a chance to win.

Sheila Kelly in Australia said...

Hi Kim, I'd love to be entered in this draw please. As for Valentines Day, it would be nice if my husband of 41yrs did anything at all!!

Mad about Craft said...

Oh! I would love to enter please!

Cathy said...

I love following your blog!! I would like to be entered in the drawing. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, fabric, now there is a valentine's gift I would love. Enter me please.
We don't do valentines here, hubby bought me flowers for a couple of years, but my cats would try to eat them, unless they were shut away. So hubby thought he would be smart, went to the florist and got an expensive ( to him anyway) planter. Only problem is it had a spike in it, which the cats destroyed. So no flowers here, lol. Helen

Katie said...

Please enter me in the drawing!

I'm thinking I should start me a Valentine project. :-)

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Oh yes, please do enter me in this wonderful drawing! That fabric is gorgeous and the pattern looks like it would be fun to make! I love 'gently used' anything!

A love letter would be so romantic! Maybe I'll drop a hint and see what turns up :)


Suzette said...

Please enter me in the drawing. What a fabulous little give away. Thank you!

Glenda in Florida said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I've already checked my LQS, and they don't have Mon Ami. They offered to order it, but it takes a while... I seem to be collecting Schnibbles patterns, and I blame it all on you and your fellow bloggers!

Deb said...

I would love to win. I enjoy reading your blog.

Marie said...

Please enter my name into the 'french' drawing. This would make a great gift for my husband.

Hugs - Marie

Betsy said...

Kim this is a lovely giveaway.Thank you for the chance to win,

Minniestitches said...

Put my name in the drawing! My daughter just loves star quilts and I could see me using Mon Ami pattern for her expected baby! And could you send my husband a message to send me a love letter. What a great idea!

FabricandFlowers said...

I'd love to make the Mon Ami. French General would look great in my home.

I warned/alerted my husband about Valentine's Day. I'm sorry there is so much pressure on the guys but it really does matter to us girls.

Angie said...

*hands waving in the air* oh please choose me!!! :) Oh I would just love to win this one! It would be my heart's delight to see my name announced as the winner. :) Thanks bunches (of flowers) for offering these. The best Valentine's gift I could receive from my DH would be the WHOLE day in the stewdio.

Michele T said...

This would be the sweetest Valentine to win. Thanks!

Mart Beth said...

I used the Mon ami Noel collection to due the valentine runner. I posted a picture for you. I would love to be entered in your drawing. I enjoy reading your posts and you have wonderful ideas. Thanks

Mary Beth

barb said...

please pick me for the give away!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway, I'd love to be included in the drawing! I'd love a love letter from my husband too, but I'm not holding my breath, unless he can get it where the plastic flowers come from...

Sandy said...

I would love to win your gently used Mon Ami pattern and the French General's Rural Jardin charms. I enjoy reading your blog every morning...great way to start my day! Thanks for sharing with us here in blog land.

Mary said...

I really want to do a Schnibbles pattern and the Rural Jardin is beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Love your blog!

dortha said...

Put my name in the drawing and if I win I hope mine looks as good as yours. Maybe something will rub off.

Laurie said...

Put me in for the drawing! Give me something to do while dear hubby is recuperating!
Have a super day!

Karen said...

Love this pattern and French General. Please enter me in your drawing. Keep up the great blog

Anonymous said...

Be still my heart!! I would love to win your give-away. Please put me in your drawing.

Marj said...

Kim I love reading your blog and would be very lucky to be drawn as the winner of Mon Ami pattern and charms for making it. It would be the perfect Valentine.

Viv said...

I would love to be entered into your drawing. That fabric is lovely and I don't have many patterns yet at all!!!

Dorothy said...

HI Kim
I would love to win the charm packs. Thanks for having the giveaway
Dorothy in IL

Diane H said...

Thanks Kim, now this would be a sweet Valentine present. Love this fabric.

Maria McCabe said...

Oh please enter me in the drawing - I LOVE this fabric and have become so entranced by charm packs recently. And I also think this pattern is great! THank you....(oh I hope I win...said in a tiny squeaky voice!)

Amy said...

I would love to win the charm packs and pattern. But feel like a winner already after reading Julie-Julia's Valentine wish. She defined exactly my heart's desire. Thanks!

Lori said...

I would love to win the charm packs and pattern. I've been admiring that pattern for awhile! Thanks for a chance to win.

Anna said...

I always disliked Valentines because my birthday is the day after and who wants clearance Valentines stuff for their birthday LOL If I win I'll think of this as a bday gift instead of valentines. Thanks for a chance to win.

Barbara said...

Please enter me for chance to win the charm packs and pattern! This pattern has recently been added to my wish list since I've seen so many gorgeous finished quilts made from it the last few days! Thank you!

Jocelyn said...

Wow Kim what a great giveaway. I LOVE anything French General and I'd love to make Mon Ami. Thanks!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I like the idea of Valentine's day but it unfortunatly has never had any real meaning for me. I love your giveaway!

Mary said...

I would love to win the charm packs and the Mon Ami pattern. I am a big Carrie Nelson fan, and really like your quilt from the pattern as well as others I've seen on other blogs. Thanks for a chance to win. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Would love to be the winner of those lovely charms and slightly used pattern. Schnibbles are a favorite of mine.

Linda Z

Darlene said...

Please enter me into the drawing and I thank you for a chance to win! As for Valentine's Day, I have not been able to spend the actual day with my husband for 3 years, but he always sends me flowers, usually a mini rose plant that I try to make thrive. The one from last year is still hanging on!

tpott said...

Schnibbles & fabric what could be better than that!!! Thanks for the generous offer to win!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you & yours;)

Carol said...

I love charm packs and I would love a chance to win. For Valentines Day, we don't usually give gifts but we go out to dinner, but not on the actual Valentines Day as it's too crowded. In earlier marriage years, my husband would come home with a big plant, but that doesn't happen anymore and I don't much mind.

Ming said...

Please enter me in your drawing. Your blog posts always entertain me.

Gwen said...

Oui! That's all the French except for a little French General fabric in the house. I'm still thinking and debating the gift question. Our wedding anniversary is excactly one week later and I don't have an answer for that day either. 49 years is a long time to ponder. LOL! The fabric and pattern could keep my mind busy and I wouldn't have to think about it!

syocom said...

I would love to enter the drawing thank you for the chance!

sue said...

I have been following and enjoying your blog ever since the valentine blog tour. I would love to win this pattern and fabric.

Cathi said...

Wow. What a neat Valentine! Please enter me!!!!

PS. I tried to comment yesterday & my computer wasn't cooperating. No teddy bears for this mature jammies either. How bout some supermarket flowers? Works for me.

Darlene said...

Valentine's Day is not celebrated in our home because a few days before we celebrate our anniversary.

I'd be celebrating if I won these two charm packs - woohoo!! Working with Rural Jardin would definitely make my heart sing.

JayTee said...

I would lov to win the pattern and charm packs

Kathy said...

Thanks for having the giveaway! I'd love to win - it's great seeing all the quilts in blogland made with this fabric. I always enjoy your blog.

Sandy from Thimbleberries said...

I would love to win the pattern and charm packs. Please enter me in the drawing.
I couldn't think of a gift I would like for Valentines, but after reading some comments on your blog the other day I decided probably a gift card to my favorite quilt store.

Dori said...

I've been reading your blog for a long time, yes, please enter me! Dori

scottylover said...

Oh please count me in! I would love to make this quilt. "Previously used" is still new to me!

Sandy A

Cathy said...

Please enter me - this is exactly what I would like to receive from the Mr. but he is fabric-challenged so not likely! But I can count on flowers or chocolate (or both) and that is lovely too.

Missy Ann said...

I just adore Mon Ami, those twisty red stars speak to me.

Right now well, me & the husband aren't getting on well. My wish is for things just to get better. :-/

Sharon in Nebraska said...

Kim - I love your blog - it's on my favorites! You bring a dash of cheer to my day. I'd also love to receive your charm packs and pattern - will put them all to good use. Please enter me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I'd love a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win that fabric -- so pretty -- and the pattern as well. Thanks for entering me in the contest!


Tiffaney said...

Oh what a wonderful giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Kim, Please enter me in your Sweet Valentine Giveaway! Thanks so much!

Sharon said...

Kim ~ I so need this because I never get so mauch as an acknowledgement from DH that it is Valentines Day. And if I don't win this, I'll just have to buy it for myself.

marie said...

I'd love to win the Mon Ami pattern as it's no where to be found in my part of Oregon. Thanks for the chance to win.

Meredith said...

Please enter me! I love the look of this pattern.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I've been drooling over this pattern since I first saw it. And Rual Jardin, I love. I've got the jelling roll and have spent may hours petting it.

Four dogs and one quilter said...

How sweet it would be to win this. Loved your Mon Ami quilt and want to make one of my own. Thanks for the chance to win.

Judy in Michigan said...

I'm a day late but my wish for a Valentine's gift is one from you - the great give-away!! I love French General and you are my blog "mon ami". Thank you for your daily blogs and the smiles you give all of us. Merci!!

Allison said...

I have been enjoying all the blogging posts with this pattern in the last few weeks. I would LOVE to have the pattern and make one for myself! Thanks for a great giveaway.

Katherine said...

Oh wow - I would love to win this prize, especially since I have been drooling over your version.

Sandy said...

Love this! Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

sunny said...

Ooh, I'd love to win this! And I would also love getting teddy bear from my dh, but I was afraid to say so yesterday after reading the other comments. :-) Of course, it would be a Boyd's Bear that he chose himself, not whatever Hallmark is pushing this season.

Nancy Anne said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that I win! Thanks for the opportunity, Kim.

Unknown said...

This is the first time I enter one of your giveaway.I been following your block for the last year or so.
Thanks for the chance to win this fabric and pattern.

Lady of the Cloth said...

Beautiful fabric, of course I'd love to win. Count me in. And who cares if a pattern is gently used, It's like used money!

Mary said...

Please enter me for the drawing! MaryH.

Bonnie said...

Winning the fabric and pattern would certainly make my Valentines Day wonderful. Thanks for the chance to make something beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Fabric and a pattern! You are so generous. I would love to win this. It would become my great project for the year. Thanks for the opportunity.
Donna K.

Joyful Quilter said...

An old boyfriend of mine writes me a Valentine poem every year. Here is part of last year's:

As history shows, that with the passing days, my love grows
But as a lead-in line, it really blows!
I mean major chunks, the serious kind
the kind a three day rager leaves behind
So I’m stuck trying to rhyme Valentine

Yes, romanance is truly dead, but winning your giveaway would help cheer me up. ;o)

Patty said...

Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway!

I love the idea of a love letter for a gift.


Lynne in Hawaii said...

Oooh! Such a nice gifty! Count me in for the giveaway. You gotta know that Valentine's Day is a special day for me because IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! and it is a big birthday too (60), making me old as dirt.

JustPam said...

I would love to win this giveaway. I love French inspired fabric and quilts.

Tammy said...

oh please enter me in the drawing - that is gorgeous fabric!!

michele said...

Please enter me in the drawing - and then could you draw my name please? ;-)

Patty said...

Oh I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. That fabric is so pretty.

Unknown said...

A love letter.........what a great idea! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Brenda said...

I would love to win this drawing. I love the charm packs and love your quilt that you made.
I didn't answer your post yesterday but I think I would love to start a Pandora bracelet. Just being appreciated is a gift in itself.

LiahonaGirl said...

Please add me to the fun. I'm addicted to the Schnibbles and this one is on my wish list.

Delores said...

Please enter me!! Would love to win - haven't done a schnibbles yet.

Joan and Kevin said...

Please enter me in your giveaway, I would love to win.

quiltmom anna said...

Kim, How fun that Pam is number one and I am number 100 - what interesting numbers to end up in draw Do come and visit me as I am participating in the OWOH and giving away some bracelets that I have made..
You can find me here:
I think the thing I want my husband to give me is a card- most times he does with flowers. He is a traditionalist at heart.
Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway - but mostly thanks for being such a great blogging friend.
Warmest regards,

luv2quilt2 said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please enter my name.

Unknown said...

Oh! I'd love to be entered -- thanks for the giveaway!

Kim Juilfs and Suzanne Yoder said...

It was interesting to read yesterday's comments. I always chuckle when I realize very few men are like those romantic ones in the movies that we might wish ours were like! I'd love to win your giveaway. I'm anxious to make a Schnibbles since I've seen so many cute ones on your blog.

Laura K said...

Wow I would love to be in the drawing. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Michelle said...

Thanks for offering such a great giveaway! I would love to win!!

Susanne said...

I am creeping around this Pattern for a while. Would Love to win it And give it a try.

Bonita Lynn said...

I would love to win your gently used pattern and fabric!!
Please enter me!


Quilting_Chris said...

The fabrics are perfect and I would love to recycle the pattern, Thank you for the chance.

Mama Spark said...

I would love to be entered into your drawing. It would be fun to make this quilt.

Amy said...

Please enter me in your drawing. Rural Jardin is my favorite line French General has done. Thank you for the giveaway!!

Vivian said...

I would feel very lucky if I was the winner of your Mon Ami pattern and the charm packs. They're very appropriate as we near Valentine's Day--pretty and sweet gifts.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I have been admiring your Mon Ami quilt since I saw it on your blog. I would LOVE to win the Rural Jardin AND the pattern. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

Quilter Kim said...

Would love to win your giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing.

Staci said...

Oh, please enter me in your lovely Valentine's giveaway. This prize sure beats anything my poor husband could come up with!

Marilyn said...

I would love to win this pattern and the beautiful charm squares. So nice of you, Kim!

Marilyn (no blog)

julieQ said...

Thank you, Kim, for sharing your pattern and lovely fabric! I would love a chance to win...and I agree...a love letter would be a wonderful Valentine!

Jean Burke said...

Kim - thanks for the chance to win. I loved your Mon Ami quilt. And thanks for all the valentine's ideas and inspiration! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Piece...

Anonymous said...

Please include me in your give away drawing...what a wonderful Valentine! Very Generous! I get lots of inspiration from your blog and lots of laughs too!
Sandy E-H
Bemidji, MN

Angela said...

Please consider me for the drawing! And a sincere thanks for being so reliable in your postings! It is rather nice to know that I can always find something new from you each day.

Patty said...

I love listening to your stories. I just bought a tumbler ruler that works with charm packs so I would love to try it out on these.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Debbie said...

What a wonderful give away. Thank you for the chance to win. I'm hoping....

Trish said...

I would love to win your wonderful give-away! Very generous of you!

Cathy M said...

Pick moi, sil vous plait.

Marge said...

Thanks again for your generosity. What a nice gift this would be.

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

This is a lovely giveaway and would be a wonderful treat to win. Thank you for your generosity!

Sally said...

I love that pattern and would love to win it. I hope you pick me.

Anita said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! *jumps up and down waving hands wildly* Enter me!

AnnieO said...

My DH has never gotten me a Teddy bear or pajamas, glad to say! We don't celebrate Valentine's because our anniversary is 10 days later. Gifts have never been a big deal to me; I do like them, but never see them as necessary to keep me from liking (or loving) someone! How nice of you to have a giveaway. Count me in, please! Happy (giftless) Valentine's Day to you!

kimland said...

throw my name into the hat please! Thanks for the chance!

Shannon said...

Please include me in your drawing. I would have to agree with your friend, the only thing I want is a love letter. Or even just a special, I LOVE YOU, would work. Thank you for some good thought provoking posts.

Brooke said...

I'm grateful to be entered in this one, because those are some of my favorite fabrics! Looks like a great project for a cold winter day! Thanks for the fun chance.

Cindy F said...

Please enter me in the giveaway! Love those charm packs and don't have that particular pattern.

I've had some wonderful letters from my husband over the years but there was always a cost in that it was during time spent apart. He's done one thing that stands apart from those letters. When he was home at the 6 month point in a year long deployment he went out and shopped for my birthday present and hid it in the house unbeknownst to me. On the day of my birthday (2 months after he left again) he emailed me with a clue to a hiding place. I'd go to the place I figured out from the clue and there would be another clue, etc until at the end was my gift. I was overwhelmed by his gesture and it brings tears to my eyes remembering. He had done one other scavenger hunt over our almost 34 years of marriage on the order of 20 yrs ago and I loved that one too but this was really special!

Jill said...

Oh pick me! How fun this would be to receive for valentines.

Valspierssews said...

Enter me in the draw. I love the Mon Ami pattern and it would be even better to have it for free! The fabric rounds out your giveaway nicely.

dot said...

I'll try my luck, it hasn't been very good lately but put me in the drawing and see what happens.

MB in MI said...

Mon Ami is a sweet pattern & Rural Jardin is lovely--thanks for entering me in your giveaway!!

Janet said...

I'd love to win the charms and pattern ... thank you for the opportunity!

Denise in PA said...

Oh là là What a nice giveaway - I'd love to be entered. I've loved looking at all the Mon Ami's around blogland and would love to make my own - especially in those French General Fabrics. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I could use a pick me up!! Claudine

Kigwit said...

I was never a Valentines person until I finally told my (then) boyfriend that fine, I would marry him someday. A few minutes later he came back and said his mother wanted to know if we would consider getting married on her parents' anniversary? They had wanted her to but she and FIL didnt want to wait so would we consider it? So, without knowing when it was I said yes. Well, it was on Feb 14th and that was two weeks hence! Surprise on me! But we did and here we are six years later with two little boys and a happy busy life. I always joke that DH was worried that I would change my mind.

I love the charm packs. The colors that French General uses are so wonderful-I especially like the blue in Rural Jardin. I would love to be entered in the giveaway.

Julie said...

Oh My Gosh! 140 comments. SO here is mine....would love to win, but (sorry Pam) the first and last never win!


AStarrA said...

I would love to be added in please and thank you :)
Never was a huge fan a valentines day...too commercial I guess and while flowers are pretty I never liked the idea of "Here are some flowers 'cause I love you but they will die in about a week, hopefully our love wont"

lynda said...

I would love to win this gift, the colors and patterns are really fun. My valentines day gift would be for someone else to do the planning, shopping and cooking dinner - don't need a fancy restaurant, just a "day off".

Marilyn W. said...

I enjoy your blog and love the pattern. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Kim said...

It would be great to win this pattern and fabric. I love Schnibbles!
Thanks Kim

Beth said...

Please enter me in your drawing. I've missed a couple of days reading your blog - got to go catch up on everyone's valentine gift desires.

Beth in AL
bhambeth (at) gmail (dot) com

Winona said...

Kim, this is a nice giveaway. I haven't entered any giveaways lately, so maybe it is my turn to win. LOL

Margarita said...

I also would love to be in your give away, I follow your blog, and I want to add that I do not care for Valentines day at all, it is just another way for other people to make money. If I had to choose I would like someone to cook for me or go out for a meal.

Julie S said...

I hope you draw my name, Kim!!

Debbie Lou said...

I love reading your blog and I would love to win your giveaway. How generous. Your quilt is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!