I've spent a busy evening--and my office staff spent a busy day--getting Bette Bunny ready to greet the public. I'm happy to say she's ready now and has been sent off to play in my Etsy shop.
Now--well, after I sleep and work and do all the other things one MUST do--it's back to playing in the Sweat Shop. I have a couple projects that need some attention--like trying to figure out what quilt I'm going to teach at the Patriotic Patchwork class I've signed up for. I have a vague idea and a small pile of Minick & Simpson's newest red, white, and blue line, Flag Day Farm. Have you seen it yet? I love their stuff!
But first--FIRST!--I most definitely need to get in the Sweat Shop and do a lot of cleaning up and putting away because it looks like a bomb went off in there right now! Thanks for stopping by to visit and see what I'm up to!
Congratulations on your new pattern. Wow - you are doing great with your designs. I think Bette Bunny is perfect, although I hope you will come up with a cousin Francine, LOL.
Congratulations on your new pattern. Wow - you are doing great with your designs. I think Bette Bunny is perfect, although I hope you will come up with a cousin Francine, LOL.
Congratulations, Kim! You are going great guns!! Your patterns are looking extremely professional - kudos to your office staff for his support! :-)
Spring! arrived and I was so excited. I felt like I knew a celebrity! Congratulations. Everything looks great!
Congratulations on your new pattern company! Your patterns look great! What outstanding office staff you have.
I've said it before...great office staff help you have! I say you take him to lunch!! Has he asked about a bonus yet? Tee Hee
Great job on the pattern presentations! Love them so far...can't wait for you to surprise me again.
You are making great progress Kim! Can't wait to see what you do over the weekend! I love your fabric choices for Bette/the binding is great! I have Flag Day Farm on my wish list... also Beachhouse by Blackbird Designs.
Look at you go...great job on the kits and patterns! She's one cute bunny! While I'm sure having hubby home isn't your first choice, as long as he is it's nice he can do some of that "office staff" work for you!
Kim - I'm so excited for you and your new venture - and so glad you have such great "staff" - I know you will be wildly successful!
YA! I'm so happy that you put the kit on Etsy. I just bought one. Can't wait for it to come in the mail. Happy Days!
I think you are doing a great job! Kits even... are the kits you have the same fabric as featured on the pattern picture? Very exciting!!
I am glad you are using the name I suggested. that makes me feel useful.
Hi Kim,
Your giveaway prize arrived safely today - Thank you so much for the patterns- It was lovely of you to include your spring pattern- it was such a generous thing to do..
I love your Bette and Bucky Bunny - they are very cute and sure to be a great success..
I hope that you have got the Sweat shop tidied enough for you- I know sometimes I have clean up before I can make a mess again-LOL I just work better that way..
Be well - Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway prize.
Hey, Glad to hear that you are on to the next event. Hooray For You!!!!
I wish you sooo much success! Great pattern, I love the business name and the packaging is beautiful!
Bette Bunny is a cutie! Congrats on another pattern, and hooray for your office staff!!
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