I'm no Julie Andrews, but lately I keep wanting to burst into tunes from the Sound of Music. Let me tell you why.
Hubby's been off work the last two days, and yesterday afternoon he called me at the office. "I'm back home," he said. "Back from where?," I asked. I didn't remember him saying he was going anywhere--last I heard, he was going to do some yard work and maybe watch the Olympics. Turned out, though, that he had some shopping to do--for clothing.
Now probably 65 percent of you would be startled at the idea of your husband voluntarily shopping, right? Well, yes, I admit I was somewhat surprised. "What did you buy?," I asked. First he told me that Mervyn's (a California department store chain that used to be owned by the same company that owns Target) didn't carry men's cologne--or at least he couldn't find it. So, he said, he may need to go back out to the drug store or WalMart to get some. It's probably a good thing he couldn't see me roll my eyes, although I did mention that if he was going to start buying cologne from the drug store, he might want to look for an apartment to rent too.
My husband is very thrifty--have I mentioned that before? Turned out he also wanted to get a pair of Levi's but was shocked they cost $34. $34? That sounded like a pretty good bargain to me. Of course, I don't think Hubby's been shopping for clothing for about 12 years; still, I don't think they've gone up a whole lot in that time. (I'm telling you, though, that's exactly why he has no idea how much a yard of fabric costs, and I'm happy enough to keep it that way!)
Anyway, he decided to wait for a sale on Levi's and settled on a pair of Wrangler jeans for now--they only cost something like $11 after coupons or something--a couple pairs of shorts, and some new white socks to go with his new shorts. Such a fashion plate, eh?
When I got home from work, he was trying on his new shorts. "Every place had such long shorts! Why would you even bother wearing shorts if they're that long?," he asked. But apparently he finally found a couple pair he liked--they even had a bunch of pockets to keep his stuff in--so he snapped them up. They kind of look like this . . .
. . . but without the bib/suspender part.
Because I believe strongly in looking at the positive side of things, I'm thinking that at least this will keep me in the Sweat Shop, turning out quilt after quilt until colder weather comes and those long, skinny, white legs are covered up again, 'cause we're sure not going out anywhere for now. Except maybe to a store that carries good cologne. Because although I can shut my eyes whenever it's necessary, it's a lot harder to stop breathing. Okay, everybody, join in and sing with me now:
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me . . . .
OMG! I do relate to this post 100%!! I have my own fashion disaster at home. I think all men get stuck somewhere. Mine got stuck in the 80's and likes to dress accordingly...he particulary likes high waist pants and pulls everything up and up. I did manage to talk him out of his white socks though, took me 5 years!
Oh gawd. You didn't really have to steal my husband. If you'd asked nicely I would have gift wrapped him for you. ROFLMAO
OMG Kim you've done it again...coffee on my Laptop and tears running down my face...sadly lots of us can relate to this one. My man has been forbidden to go shopping by himself for any clothing item.
What a shocking way to find out that my husband is leading a double life, LOL!! He is NOT permitted to buy his own clothes (not that he would actually SHOP). The only item that I've conceded and allow him to wear in public is his calf-length white socks. He works construction, so at least his legs are tanned...
OMG!! You crack me up!!!..your hubby obviously hasn't been shopping for a while and sounds like he shouldn't be let loose alone again anytime soon!
....the Prince went looking for shirts while I was busy shopping today....but didn't find any he liked...said he needed to come back when he has more time....I think he has a shopping trip planned for next weekend when I am away..... but he does have good taste tho so I'm not worried....he does have skinny white legs tho...!
OMG, our hubbys were separated at birth..LOL
Mine came down last night with his own version of jean cut offs and his Hooters t-shirt.
ROTFL... my husband is a red-head... he is so white, he glows in the dark!
You've done it again.....ROFLMAO
My cousin just started working at a Thrift Store and she get first dibbies over whatever come in....for free!
Thanks...just thanks, now I have to go and change my panties!! I was laughing SO hard over this one. BTW, I received my scrap box yesterday!!! Loved it. Especially those cat fabrics!! BEIJOS!!
That's too funny! Oh, and now I'll be humming that blasted song all day! Thanks a lot! LOL
LOL! At least he keeps you amused! I love all of your planned upcoming quilts! I looked back on your blog for the phone number of the designer of that Christmas BOM - I don't know how much longer I can resist it if you are going to keep posting pics of it!
OMG where would these guys be without us??? I finally got mine out of plaid shirts from the farm supply, and now he came home with BROWN plastic tennis shoes -- WTH???
OMG....I laughed so hard I almost pee'd my pants. Thanks for being so funny!
I laughed out loud-too funny!!
You are SO funny Kim! I shudder to think what would happen if your hubby knew how expensive fabric is -- Holy Cow!
I am still laughing and trying to see the computer thru the tears - you definitely cracked me up...
My son came in while I was first reading it and thought I was losing my mind cause I was laughing so hard LOL
Hope you find the man some good cologne - perhaps tanning lotion too for your backyard while your working in the sweat shop VBG
Have a great weekend.
I was not expecting that picture to follow the story. That is so funny!!. I am still chuckling.
LOL! too funny!
I should know by now not to read your blog at work as it is a dead giveaway I'm not working when I am laughing so much that I can't catch my breath and tears are running down my face!!! Thank you for brightening up an otherwise very ordinary Monday. I think this may be one of my very favorite posts ever!!!
Oh and tell him we pay around $100 for Levis....
The difference between men and boys are the price of their toys!
The Sound of Music is an iconic musical that never fails to captivate audiences with its timeless story, memorable songs, and breathtaking scenery. It's a true masterpiece that continues to inspire generations, and your blog beautifully captures the magic and charm of this beloved classic!
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