Monday, March 10, 2008

A Belated Blogiversary to Me!

In typical fashion, I'm late for my blogiversary! A couple weeks ago, I looked to see when I had started my blog, and for some reason, I thought it was March 10th. I just looked again and it was actully March 7th. So, I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date! But instead of the White Rabbit, I'm celebrating with a small brown rabbit hopping through the tulips--

Leave a comment on this post. If you're commenting as "anonymous" or just don't have a blog, make sure to include something to identify you--mother's maiden name, guilty secret, whatever. First name, initial of last name, and city should work well. I'll have a drawing Thursday night to celebrate my one year anniversary in Blogland and the person whose name I draw will get the rabbit wallhanging, which measures 24-1/2" x 19"--and I promise it WILL have a binding on it by then. Interestingly enough--to me anyway--I think my post on Thursday when I announce a winner just might be my 400th. That's a whole lotta talk about not too much of anything!

Thank you all for stopping in, reading, and commenting on my blog this past year--I've enjoyed getting to know a bunch of kind, great, and/or crazy people who I wouldn't have otherwise met!


May Britt said...

Happy blogiversary. You don't mean you will give away your rabbit's so beautiful. I love visit your blog even though I'm a bad commenter right now. Have a nice day.

bettsylyn (Lynda) said...

Never worry about talking too much! I love your rabbit and is so nice and spring like, just right for Easter too. Congratulations!

PiecefulChaos said...

Happy Blogiversary! Yours is one of my favorite blogs!

Anonymous said...

That wallhanging is so cute and spring like :) Happy bloggy anniversary :)


Cowguy said...

Hey happy anniversary Kim!

Robin said...

I agree,'re hilarious and you brighten my mornings!! Wow, that wallhanging is really cute and I have just the spot for it, thanks! LOL!!

Robin E in VA

Unknown said...

Just look how many have already seen your new blog. Happy Anniversary blogging. You really started something. That new wall hanging is so cute. No wonder it took you so long to finish up the rabbits. LOL Have a great day.

Wendy said...

Hello! I think I'm a lurker...or just a scaredy-cat and not brave enough to press the 'comments' button. I really love reading your blog...your sense of humor makes me smile (and snigger!) Happy Blog Anniversary. x x

Yvonne said...

Happy Anniversary Kimmy....I look forward to many more. You are always a bright spot in my day.

I do have the perfect spot to hang Mr. Bunny....thank you very much. :)

Darlene said...

Started singing again - Tip Toe Through the Tulips!

It's such a sweet 'wabbit' quilt it should hang in my home so Pick Me, Pick Me!!! teehee

antique quilter said...

happy blog anny!
Love reading your blog, keep talking/writing!!!!
what a wonderful give away ....thanks!
Kathie who is so looking forward to spring, flowers and of course bunnies and the robins...

Three Birds Inspired said...

I love your of my "must reads". Congratulations on your blogiversary!

BTW - the quilt would look REALLY nice hanging up at my house!!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! The quilt is adorable, I'd love to be in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful work. You are quite talented.
jazzpurr's mama

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you are giving away that beautiful quilt. I manage to finish so few things, I'm greedy these days about giving quilts away, you are very generous!

I've enjoy your blog for several months now, you're a hoot!!

Cathi in Ireland

Carol said...

Happy Blogiversary Miss Kim!
Love your Tulips and Bunny.

Beth said...

Happy Blogiversary! I do enjoy reading your blog, it is quite inspiring. You really do lovely work.

Beth said...

Happy Happy Blogiversary to you Kim! WOW almost 400 posts...that's just amazing. Keeo up the great blogging, I have a blast reading your blog and seeing your new creations!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog a Versary!!! I just found your blog and enjoy your "tales"... so funny!!! Your quilt pieces are just beautiful!

Pam A fr NY

debijeanm said...

Happy Blogoversary! I've really enjoyed getting to know you and appreciate the inspiration you give. Looking forward to another year. (And PLEASE keep writing lots - you're fun to read!)

Mama Spark said...

Happy blogiversary! (send the bunny to me). I love reading your blog (send the bunny to me). I think you should go for many more years (send the bunny to me) oh, and did I mention (send the bunny to me) that I really like your bunny quilt? ROFLOL!!

Colene said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary. Your wall hanging is adorable, please count me in on the fun drawing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh more cute rabbits. You are thinking Spring. I would be honored to win your cute little gift. BTW Happy Anniversary and keep on bloging

Linda Z

Pat said...

Congrats on 1 year of blogging and best wishes for many, many more. Love your blog. Your bunny and tulip quilts are too cute. Love them!

Karrin Hurd said...

Happy Blog Anniversary, love the little quilt!

Nancy said...

Oh, a lovely...

Count me in. The bunny tulip quilt is adorable.

Paula, the quilter said...

This is just too serendipitous! I have been seeing this tulip pattern online and wondering when I would have the time to make one. Now I may actually WIN one! Whoo hoo!

Julia said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! So glad that I found you, your are a wonderful, kind and helpful friend. Thanks for your help on finding the Thimbleberries book. Love your little quilt. I really want to make some of those tulips!

Patti said...

400 posts in a year - Wow! And I thought I was chatty! Of course we've all enjoyed reading every single one of them.

Crossing my fingers that you draw my name - I NEED to add that little wall hanging to my spring decor!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogversary!! You are one of my favorite reads. Cute bunny hanging!

SuBee said...

Happy Bloggiversary to one of my favorite motor-mouths! Always entertaining and guaranteed to make grown women snort coffee through their noses, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated blogiversary! I have only been reading your blog for a while, but it is always entertaining to read. I never win anything, but I'd love to be entered into the drawing all the same.

Thimbleanna said...

FOUR hundred posts in ONE year??? You ARE an overachiever! Excellent work!!!

Rhonda said...

HAPPY BLOGIVERSAY!! I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and enjoyed stopping by ever since. Lovely wallhanging!
Rhonda in Southern CA

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary Kim, gorgeous wall hanging, and I love visiting with you, although I've learnt from past experiences not to visit with a full mouth, or a drink in my hand, or for that matter anywhere near my pc. Always need the tissues to wipe away the tears from laughing so much. I hate to disagree with Yvonne and Darlene, but I have the perfect spot for that darling wall hanging, so PICK ME...... Looking forward to another fun year of visiting and laughing.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Happy Bogiversary to you Ms. Kimmers!!! I'm soooo happy that we met thru this crazy bloggin world. You are one funny gal and I enjoy all your comments you leave and your post. Live just wouldn't be as funny without a Kim comment in it.
That little wallhanging is just adorable.!!!!

Kairle Oaks said...

Wow! You've really accomplished a lot this year! Definitely put my name in the hat, Kim...and pick it too, please! :-)

BTW, sounds like you had a great time at camp. Love the quilt!

Cathy said...

Happy Blogiversary!! I may ot comment much, but I love to read your blog and wish I was a diligent as you are aboiut posting! The rabbit wall hanging certinly brought us lurkers out of the shadows! Hugs, Cathy Trumble

Anonymous said...

Hoppy Blogiversary!! Oh my! I cannot believe you are giving that adorable wallhanging away. I know just where I will hang it.

Amy in Kentucky

Doris said...

So very cute...Happy Blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

Your posts always bring a smile..happy blogaversary !

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog everyday since Pam mentioned it at Quilter's Corner, at our Wednesday night Thimbleberries meeting a couple month's ago. Pam said you don't sleep, and I believe it. How do you find the time to do so much! If I get a couple minutes to sew or quilt, I feel guilty about the housework not being done. (Not that I ever do it anyway!)

Chris T.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog - it just tickles my funny bone! And I enjoy seeing your quilts as well.

Happy Blogiversary!

Pam W. from Texas

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I love your bunny quilt. I read your blog every day.

Robin L

Jenny Young said...

What a cute wallhanging. I don't have too many Easter decorations. . . Jenny in Holland

Donna said...

Happy Blogiversary!!
I love your blog. Read it everyday. You are an inspiration.
Donna C. in Nw Ohio

Beth in AL said...

Pick me! Pick me! LOL! Can't believe it's been a year since I started 'reading' you! Your wall hanging is so cute - can't believe you'll be able to part with it. I keep up with you here in Blogland more so than at Quilters Hollow. Will be out of town when you pick a winner - hope to see an email when I get home.

Hugs, Beth C. QH

Anonymous said...

I just popped over from the busylittlequilter;s blog. Happy Blog anniversary. That is a really cute wallhanging.

Susan F. in GA

Sherry said...

Happy Blogiversary Kim. I love folowing your blog, lots of laughs & lots of great quilty stuff. Love that little chocolate, I mean brown bunny hopping thru the tulips! -sherry in IL

Carol said...

Kim, I love reading your blog. It give me inspiration and a giggle too. Happy Blogiversary. I love the tulip and bunny quilt and it would be awesome if you picked my name.

Carol Lewis

tami said...

Happy blogiversary! That is a very generous gift. I would take very good care of it. :cD

Mar said...

Happy Happy Bloggie versary! I wanna win!

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Kim,
Congratulations on your blog anniversary- I enjoy stopping by to see what little adventure life has given you today- Keep on laughing and sharing your zest for life-
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

Vicky said...

400 posts! Gasp! You sure talk a lot!! ROFLOL

I want that wallhanging! I really want it! Please pick me! I'll grovel for it, offer bribes, whatever it takes!

Happy anniversary, Kim! I've enjoyed every single one of your blogs!

Busy Little Quilter said...

Happy Blogiversary! Wow! 400 posts?

I love your blog. It's one that I visit every day since I discovered it 2 weeks ago.

I would love to win your bunny wallhanging. Please enter me in the drawing.



Purple Pam said...

Happy Blogiversary! I have only been blogging for a couple of months, but I am having a great time. I enjoy reading blogs, and yours is super. Keep up the good work. And by the way, I have the perfect place for your bunny rabbit. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Kim, you are so inspiring. I do not know where you get all that energy. I am enjoying reading your blog and delight in your sense of humor! Would love to have your bunny wall hanging. This is anonymous but we have Jo's Little Women and the Christmas List classes together.

Perry said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. Of course I would love to win this quilt since it has one of your bunnies on it that I think are so special. I do enjoy reading your blog, don't comment very often, but I do read it.

Denise (Nour) said...

Wow! 400 posts! Congratulations! I love your blog - it always makes me laugh - thanks!

Teresa said...

Thanks for doing the give-a-way! Count me in please. I always enjoy reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

I "hop on by" most every day, even though I don't have a blog of my own. Sooooo, I just know that little bunny would feel right at home here in South Carolina! Wonder if I can keep my fingers crossed for that long and still get any quilting (oh yeah, and cooking) done?

Froggie said...

Happy blog anniversary!! I love the chocolate bunny. I know just the place for it (smiling from ear to ear).... Love your blog. I lurk often!

Melanie said...

Congrats on your anniversary--I remember when you first started typing....Thanks for tips you've shared in the past year. I remember you sharing the instructions for the binder cover for Chelsey-- she's among the 'elite' with her friends thanks to you. I grew up in the quilting world with Thimberries. I had grown tired of them... but through your quilts I developed a love for them all over again...Keep on typing, I'd miss you if you weren't around....

Jeanne said...

Happy blogaversary! You always make me giggle :)
Your bunny and tulips are darling, and they would be soooooo cute with the tulip quilt I'm working on this month ...

Gina said...

The tulips made me smile, even before I knew they were up for grabs:) Congrats to you:)

merrily row said...

happy anniversary, long time no hometown xmas

Tracey in CT said...

Happy bloggiversary! your bunny quilt is lovely!!

Tracey in CT said...

Happy bloggiversary! your bunny quilt is lovely!!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Happy Bloggiversary! The tulips and bunny are so refreshing after a loooong winter :)

Karen said...

Happy Blogiversary - I really enjoy reading your funny posts. There's always a chuckle when I stop by. That quilt would look for cute at the yellowfarmhouse.

Hugs - karen

Anonymous said...

Kim, Love reading you blog everyday. You make my day a better one. Thanks and Happy Anniversary.
Sharon Mac

Greenmare said...

Tag I want to be it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Happy Anniversary. There are 72 comments here already so you have a popular blog and a popular bunny quilt ;o)


Teresa said...

Happy Blog Ann. to you!!! I enjoy reading your blog & what a cute little bunny quilt.It's spring & Easter & just makes you smile.

May Kristin said...

Happy blogiversary! I'm been lurking around, and I love your Spring Tulip quilt! Looking forward for 400 more posts!

BusybeeDebQuilts said...

Kim - I recently discovered your blog and love your sense of humor! You crack me up!

I love the bunny and the tulips ... please pick me :-)


MARCIE said...

Do my chances increase if I leave more than one comment? I think 400 posts makes you the "poster" girl! Yeah, I know. You don't need to say it.

Vickie E said...

I found your blog via Happy Zombie...and I can't stop reading ...have to read the whole last year! It's great..please keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I do love the bunny quilt, but I have to say I am partial to the quilt using the Gardener's touch Thimbleberries fabric. Thanks for putting the instructions up for the alternative blocks you promised to tonight. If not something along those lines, I think I will start the bunny pattern that I gave to you tonight.
--Julia S.

Cheryl said...

Me, me, me, me...surely you can see me jumping up and down and waving my arms widly!!! Happy Blogiversary to you and thanks for all the wonderful posting that you do :-)!

Sue Cahill said...

Love the rabbit! Happy blogiversary and here's hoping you have many more.
Sue Cahill Niagara Falls, NY
(honeymoon capital of the world)

Anonymous said...

Kim, I loved the things you showed Wed night at Thimbleberries. You are so talented. thank you for sharing with us!


Brooke said...

You are a hoot and I love reading about your days! Keep up the good work!!
The little bunny quilt is too cute! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Froggie said...

I am hoping you pick my name for that wonderful quilt!!!!

Anne said...

Happy Blogaversary! :-) You have made an adorable little quilt and whoever the winner of your generous giveaway is will be one LUCKY winner. Whew, that was one long weird sentence... I'd be delighted to have my name in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I sure would love for the bunny to hop over to my place. I will give him a good home if he hops this way.

Anonymous said...

Kim, thanks for everything you do to inspire us at Thimbleberries and as quilters... I was so sad for the 2 years that you weren't in our group anymore and so happy when you came back to inspire us every month with your creative ideas!! As you know I love basset hounds and they live to love bunnies and therefore that quilt can only be mean't for me!! Happy Blog anniversary!! Patti P

Richelle said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! I enjoy stopping in a reading of all your adventures. Always enjoyable! Thanks!