Maybe you're wondering how my quilt's coming along? (Then again, maybe it hasn't been the burning question on your mind that it has been on mine.) After all, I had all weekend to work on it, right? Here's the quilt so far:

It looks a lot like the last photo, doesn't it? But now the blocks and sashings are SEWN TOGETHER. And what a struggle that was, I'm telling you! Why does it always take so much longer than we expect to sew blocks together into a quilt top? It's a mystery to me. Maybe the part that takes all the time is the part where you sew the blocks together wrong?
I started by sewing together the first column of blocks and had it back up on the design wall along with the second column when I noticed something was "off." I had sewn the first column of blocks together two by two, and somehow I sewed one of those sections in upside down. Of course, I had to get out the seam ripper. Exhausted by taking out those blocks and traumatized by having sewn them in wrong in the first place, I stopped to fix dinner. After all, eating is good for trauma, right?
After dinner, I carefully checked to make sure I had them positioned correctly and sewed the first two of four seams to set them back in. After I pressed those seams, I checked again to make sure. And, of course--you've probably figured it out already--I sewed them back in wrong AGAIN! Muttering to myself about whether it might be time for dessert, I got the seam ripper out yet again.
Finally I got it right the next time, but I was extra careful with the rest of the piecing, and as far as I can tell, all the blocks are as they should be. If they aren't, don't tell me. My scale can't take another disappointment.
I've decided to make a piano key border since I don't have enough of any one suitable fabric for the border, but I have tons of smaller pieces of fabric left over. So last night I cut and pieced and have a bit more to do before the borders are ready to be put on. Here's my nice little pile of 16 border blocks so far:

I'll also be putting sashing between these blocks and finishing off the star points in the sashing strips. I'm estimating getting the top completed by tomorrow night, but then I always underestimate how long something like this will take. Maybe you'll see it by Friday. Unless I have to stop and eat some chocolate or something.
Looking good - and do take some time for some chocolate!!
I really like your choice of sashing fabric!!!
Chocolate is good. We must always make time in our day for chocolate,lol.
Your quilt is so impressive. I think the border will be great.
Oh I like it a lot!!!!!!!!
worth all the extra sewing too!
go have a nice chocolate now!
That is one awesome quilt. I love it. Good job.But....I'm not really surprised that you sewed it wrong and had to rip. After all you do wash off the make-up and have to re-apply don't you??? I'm just saying.......
The quilt is incredible! I can see why putting the blocks together would take so long. It is not a typical sashing and block you can just put together. Wipe your brow and be proud! Bren
The third times the charm, Kim! It's looking great! I'm making some caramel popcorn tonight if you need a sweet treat! lol!
I just love how the blocks are askew. It looks wonderful! :)
Totally awesome quilt! Dibbies! :)
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