Saturday, November 6, 2010


I was thinking tonight (Friday) about how much I enjoy weekends, which is kind of a no-brainer of course, but then I started thinking about what the BEST things about weekends are. So here are a few of the reasons I value weekends so highly:

Puttering around the house, doing this and that, feeling no pressure, no schedule, and no particular need to accomplish anything. Sometimes I actually get more done this way than any other!

PBS, for sure! Saturday nights on PBS usually mean episodes of MI-5, and Sunday nights on PBS usually mean Masterpiece Theater--and Masterpiece Mystery is my favorite. A weekend without one or the other--or BOTH! Yikes!--is just not the same.

Cooking. Cooking on weekends is more about pleasure and creativity than about getting a chore done and out of the way. And in particular, having the time to cook and eat a leisurely breakfast feels incredibly indulgent. In fact, now that fall is here and the weather has turned a little chillier, thoughts of pumpkin pecan pancakes for breakfast and chicken and dumplings for dinner are haunting me.

The absolute BEST thing about weekends, though, is sleeping in, buried down under a quilt, with a cat curled up by my side. Waking up to the sound of an alarm clock going off on weekdays is guaranteed to make me grumpy, and having that happen when it's still dark outside--well, that's just criminally WRONG! Of course, if you live here in the US in an area that observes Daylight Savings Time, getting up in the dark may be a thing of the past as of next week, because we'll be returning to Standard Time on Saturday night.

So there are some of my favorite things, and now I have a couple questions for YOU. What's your favorite thing about weekends? AND what's up with McDonald's McRib sandwiches? I've never had one, but since they seem to have a very devoted, cult-like following, I have to wonder what I'm missing. So, if you've had one, tell me what's so special. I just might need to add one to my weekend favorites.


Three Birds Inspired said...

For me, the best thing about the weekend is that I can sew all day at least one day. My second favorite thing is that if I don't feel like getting out of my pajamas until lunchtime, it's ok. Years ago I worked from home as a load officer. My pajamas and robe were my working clothes...unless I had a meeting!

As for McRibb - I have had them. They were really popular in the south for a while. It is "formed meat" with overly sweet barbeque sauce. Eat at your own risk!

julieQ said...

It is the barbecue sauce...that is what makes me like 'em!! Enjoy your weekend...remember to turn back your clock...I have forgotten this more times than I care to say!

Kim said...

The best thing about my weekend is the leisurely coffee time in my pjs before getting dressed and starting my day. I also like the cooking. I usually start planning for that Friday night. As for the McRib, I'm not a fan of pressed meat. Even with the BBQ sauce it's not the kind of meat I want. It's a disservice to a real rib calling it a McRib! My advice is to stay away from it!

Kelly Ann said...

I spend the weekends catching up with blogland..I've been so out of touch lately that I'm missing all the good action...

Denise in PA said...

Hi Kim! Fun post. I love weekends for a lot of reason you do. My most favorite part about weekends though is generally lots of time to quilt! I also like the sleeping in thing (I despise getting up at 6am every weekday morning), cooking great meals (hubby does it during the week) and Sunday dinner with the family, and catching up on my DVRd shows. Last night I did all my errands before I came home and I don't want to stick my nose out the door until Monday morning. I love being in my home and feel I don't get enough time to be here being out of the house for 11 hours of the day during the week (but I'm grateful for my job or I wouldn't have this home!) o:) McRibs - never had one either but all these commercials have me wanting one bad! Reminds of a guilty pleasure of mine - know those riblets from Swanson - Yummy!!

Pat S. said...

I guess I'm a contrarian because I love to bounce out of bed EARLY Saturday morning and get my weekend started! I have the house to myself and it's the one day I know I can tackle a big project and get it done from start to finish. :-)

Today is the linen closet. It's been the catch all as I've been working through the house decluttering. So, it holds a lot of the "I'm not sure" Taking a break right now and I can tell you I already have 3 trash bags of items to take to Goodwill in hopes that someone else may find what they think is a treasure among them.

I've sworn off fast food this year in an effort to plug a few holes in my spending habits so no McRibs for me.

Nicole said...

Since I work in retail, I often work on the actual weekend. So for me, any day I have off is my "weekend". I love to spend it in my sewing room, and cooking some sort of special meal.

Anita said...

I think my favorite thing about weekends is not having to rush out the door to get my daughter to school on time. I haven't tried a mc rib, not sure if I will anytime soon. Hope you had a nice sleep in this morning.

Brandie said...

Weekends are definitely a slow pace. I love being able to wake as I please and do as I please on the weekends. But my favorite things about the weekends are getting together with family. For me that usually means cooking, which I love anytime!
Have a relaxing weekend Kim. Hoping to hear on Monday that you "pest" is gone.

Lorraine said...

the best thing about weekends is definitely the 'no schedule' thing!...and you can choose what time you get up...sometimes I choose to get up early so as not to "waste" my free days...LOL....and I agree - cooking on weekends is appealing because it isn't done just because you "have to".....we have just gone into DST here and I was getting up in the dark but that is changing now and it is light when I head off to the gym at 6am...and this is the first summer on my own so I am enjoying being able to do some gardening when I get fact I am enjoying having gardening to do.....everything was always done for me! weekends are amazing things! Love 'em for so many reasons!

Lorraine said...

oh...meant to say...No Maccas near me so haven't tried the McRib sangers.....

Anonymous said...

McRib, part of the lure is that you can't get them all the time. It's the sweat sauce with the onions and pickles.

Weekends, not so relaxing for me as I work all week and on the weekends catch on bookkeeping for "our" other business. Try to squeak in some quilting as much as I can.

Cindy F said...

I love Saturday mornings as that's the only morning we don't set an alarm...such a joy to wake up when I'm ready! I'm with you about Masterpiece Mystery on PBS...absolutely love it!

sunny said...

Great post! I had to go to a dinner for work on Thursday night, and hubby was all excited because he was going out for a McRib! hmmmm... Something not quite right about that.
As for the weekend, I love being able to do things outdoors! Hiking now that it's cooler, and kayaking during the summer. And maybe sleeping in, and sewing, and I agree that cooking is more pleasurable, and just generally because I don't have to go to work.