When it comes to hygiene and personal care, are you ever puzzled by your family members' habits?

Hubby and Q-Tips. How many Q-Tips does a person need to clean their ears? This morning I noticed something like 6 to 8 Q-Tips in the wastepaper basket in the bathroom, looking all bent up and mangled. How many ears does the man have for goodness sake, and what can he possibly be digging for that requires that many Q-Tips and that much force? One Q-Tip usually works just fine for me.
Sometimes I wonder whether he's purposely trying to make himself deaf so he doesn't have to listen to me. Sometimes I think I should just move my lips without emitting sound and see what happens. Sometimes I think I shouldn't bother to ask him stuff like, "Do you want any ice cream, honey"? And then when he asks why I didn't offer him any, I'll say, "But I DID! Didn't you hear me?!" Maybe after 28 years of marriage and shoving as many Q-Tips in his ears as will fit, little pieces of cotton have broken off and accumulated and, quite possibly, are being shoved into his brain as well--that would certainly explain a lot of things. As you can see, I've given this quite a bit of thought.
The Wild Child and the Shampoo. Okay, this isn't really something she does over and over, but you gotta wonder what she was thinking.
This morning I turned on the bath water and went off to do something or other. When I came back, my bath looked a little like this--
(No, I didn't really take this picture--I just "borrowed" it off the internet. I'm totally incapable of taking photos in the morning. Besides, this bathroom looks much cleaner and shinier than mine.) The Wild Child was the last person to use the bath, and I figured she must have left some shower gel or something in the tub. When I sat down, I realized one area of the tub was pretty darn slick--luckily it wasn't where I had stepped in! When it came time to shampoo my hair, I realized all that gooey gel was actually shampoo.
The bottle of shampoo was nearly empty, so for the past several days, I had set the bottle upside down. I'm guessing the Wild Child used my shampoo and very kindly returned it to its upside-down position; the only problem was that she forgot to close the top first.
But I know how to return the favor when she visits again. She absolutely freaks out if there's any shaved-leg-hair stubble in the bathtub, so next time she comes for a visit, I'll be sure to shave first.
The Boy Child and Just About Everything. Well, he's a boy--what more do I need to say? It's all weird. Remember his Peel Off Masque? Yeah, I rest my case.
LOL - I have to try that first suggestion for claiming to have asked the question but the DH didn't hear! Guess the non-listening is a universal problem!
Sounds like both you and your bath are squeaky clean after half a bottle of shampoo! Talk about 2in1 Shampoo!
I think the q-tips must be a male thing as my hubby goes through them like candy too. Wonder what the fascination is?
I like to leave my glasses off when I go into the bathroom in the mornings....looks quite clean then! LOL.....wet bathmats on the floor are my bugbear!!! especially this time of year when the floor is freezing anyway....ack.....so I take them up and hang them out so they are dry for the next morning...but I am usually last in the the shower so by then....well you know...think I will get a couple of princess mats and just take them in when it is my turn .....LOL....love the comment about leaving hair shavings in the bath for the Wild Child to find....eeeeek.....
Ha ha, gotta love the little devils. My hubby and I used to talk and laugh about all the things we would do when we went to visit our now married daughters homes. Things they used to do that drove us crazy. Like shove their dishes under the sofa after they ate, leave all the cupboard doors open, the list goes on and on as you know LOL!
Well somehow we never do that, but the plotting in itself is fun! Now bubble baths, that I like. Just not with my nice shampoo I guess. Have a good one Kim, it's almost the weekend!
LOL...when my girls moved out of the house the Q-tips and shampoo didn't run out nearly as fast....and that goes for toilet paper as well. Why do they need to use so much?
Oh thank you for this! I laughed so much, agreed whole-heartedly with all the DH bits and live in dread of the havoc my DD and DS will cause within a few years.
One Q-tip per ear, thanks! And all I really want is to get the water out!
At least your hubby leaves them in the rubbish bin....I find my guys leftovers anywhere, anytime....hmmmm....
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