Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bloggy Bits

I don't know if you noticed Sharon's comment on yesterday's blog post, but she called me a heifer. Now I checked, and according to my dictionary, a heifer is a young cow, so I guess I won't take exception to the term. At my age, any kind of insult is acceptable as long as it includes something about being "young." I guess I should tell you, too, that in a heretofore private email, Sharon DID offer to come up here and do my hysterectomy for me. I'm still kinda pondering the meaning and intentions behind that one. Could be I'll forgive her if she draws my name for that Mary Engelbreit fabric. And just in case you haven't visited Sharon and seen that she's got a giveaway going on, check it out!

Tonight was my monthly Jo's Little Women Club meeting and, as usual, it was a fun meeting. Another of our members brought a couple "vintage" quilts with her to share with us. These were found when she and her husband went to help his siblings clear out things from his parents' home. Lucky for her, no one else wanted them! I was kind of preoccupied with trying to take photos, 'cause you know I'm challenged that way, but I think she said she's not sure who made them because I don't think her mother-in-law was a quilter. I guess that's another reason why we're always being told to put labels on our quilts!

This first one was found in a closet. There's some interesting horseshoe fabric used as one of the backgrounds--it's the second block in from the right on the top row. Lindy, the quilt shop owner, roughly dated the quilt to the early 1900s--I believe she said it was probably around 1910 or so.

I think they said this second one was likely from around the 1950s. The lavender and green shades are really nice, and we're seeing these same or similar shades in our fabrics today, in both the repro fabrics and the "newer" colors. They found this quilt folded and stored between a mattress and box spring on a bed. It's really in nice condition except for some fading down the center. Wouldn't it be a great Easter/spring quilt with those yummy colors?!

It tickled me to hear that several of our Jo's ladies have been keeping up with my blog--hey, gals! You know who you are! Thanks for stopping by to visit when we can't get together in person! I'll be seeing a couple of them next week at our Thimbleberries Club meeting, if not before. One of my friends mentioned that she liked what I was doing with the Thimbleberries Gardener's Touch quilt, so I thought I'd post a photo of my progress.

Tomorrow night I'll get the last border on--that's the fabric pinned up on the design wall to the left of the quilt. Then I'll need to cut a kit for the quarterly Thimbleberries project and pack my "stuff" up for a "camp" I'm going to on Friday night from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. I know I'll be busy tomorrow night and I'll be out a bit late on Friday night, so if I miss posting to my blog, you'll know I'm just having some major quilty fun! But you know me--chances are that I'll be here with something to say, even if it's all about nothing! Thanks for checking in on me--and, by the way, I'm feeling much better and able to withstand, once again, the McDonald's sirens' song of fries and a double cheeseburger!


Unknown said...

OH, Kim, I like the way you're finishing that Quilter's Garden. So unlike you. Nice to spread out isn't it. ?

Anonymous said...

Wow those were certainly hidden treasures. Love your Gardener's Touch quilt, so soft and pretty.

Julia said...

I the Gardener's Touch quilt, do you have a pattern?
I'm glad that your feeling better, now you won't be tempting me! lol

Beth said...

Your Gardener's Touch quilt is just beautiful. You do such a great job on your quilts.

Busy Little Quilter said...

Your quilt is beautiful.

I hope you have a whole lot of quilty fun!

Anonymous said...

What a fun Show-and-Tell! Love It!!!

Nan said...

I do love those antique quilts! I wish I had an old quilt folded between my boxspring and mattress! Wow - what a find!
Your quilt is beautiful - I love those colors!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Great quilts, and I DID offer to do the surgery so what else can a friend do???? I mean that is over the top I think. But maybe that's just ME!!!
And would you STOP talking about McDonalds. Since you've talked about that I've eaten there three times. LOL!!!!!