Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thimbleberries Quilt

It's finished! Wooo-hooo! I took this photo outside, and then I was wondering if I could get a photo that shows the quilting texture a little bit better when Ms. Spike came over to investigate and walked all over it with muddy paws. So I guess this photo will have to do. Now, did you want to see a photo of a dead cat?! Okay, just kidding! No cats were harmed in the making of today's blog post.

I'm posting early today because I have my Thimbleberries Club meeting tonight and will likely be home late. Today's my "Friday" since I have the next couple days off work--I'll go back next Tuesday. It's not looking good for getting my Valentine's quilt done on time, though! I wish I could just load it onto the longarm and finish it up real fast, but I got up this morning and looked around the house and it's just as I thought--the quilting fairies didn't deliver a longarm last night. I haven't decided whether to quilt it next anyway or go on to some other projects I have planned, but I suspect my short quilting attention deficit disorder will tell me to move on. I'm soooooo ready for spring, and I have several projects in mind as well as doing some spring decorating around the house while I'm off work. Hopefully I'll have some photos to share in the coming days, although I don't think I'll have much time for nude photography, so you'll have to wait on any more self-portraits. I know you're disappointed, but you'll just have to deal with it!


Kairle Oaks said...

Boy, does that quilt make me crave an early spring!!! Lovely job!

BTW, I've reported your nude pictures to the Blogger censors. They may be shutting down this seedy blog! LOL!!!

SuBee said...

Man, I'm just about drooling on that - maybe I can help wash off the muddy footprints? Is that a pattern or out of your own blonde little head? I love love love those borders. You could see something like this pop up in my room soon.

Ginger Patches said...

OMG that is absolutely adorable, is it a pattern? If it is please tell cuz I want it!!! I love that checkered inner border and that...oh I just love all of it :)

Red Geranium Cottage said...

You just can't depend on those damn fairies. LOL!!!
I love that quilt! Great job Kim!! Now about those nude photos......

Kristie said...

I LOVE it!!! It is beautiful!!! You did a great job on it.

Vicky said...

That is really pretty, Kim! I like that a lot! Oh, and you'll be happy to know that last night I cut blocks from second booklet of Hometown Christmas! Yes, I did!!

Darlene said...

Another beauty! I love it.

quiltmom anna said...

You are too funny - great photos and stories as always. I hope you have some enjoyable days off- I will look forward to your next decorating and quilting projects/adventures.
Regards from A Western Canadian Quilter,

Denise (Nour) said...

Love the floating effect!

Sherry said...

I LOVE that quilt, you did a great job. Enjoy your days off & have a Happy Valentine's Day!

Julia said...

Is that green grass I see? I thought your hubby had the fine idea to let the grass die and to start over. lol

Greenmare said...

last post comment here- you, of course, look better than the box. I love the nude self portrait, I did something like that in college for a photography class, mine was nude of me from the ankles down surrounded by all the shoes my roommate and I could find. I should dig that out and do a quilt.......

Anonymous said...

Absoloutely stunning Kim, you must be so happy with it. If not I'll give you my

Nan said...

WOWEE! For MOI?!? Really, you shouldn't have! It is absolute gorgeousness, Kim - I love it! I'll tell you what, though, if you get a longarm fairy, would you please share her with the rest of us? Pleez?????

DPUTiger said...

Geez o pete's that looks fantastic! Great job!