Monday, January 14, 2008

A Blogger's Spouse

My husband has mixed feelings about my blogging, I think. He never reads what I write, but he often finds out. Frankly, if our roles were reversed, I'd be constantly checking to see what he may have written, just in case it was something I needed to be embarrassed about.

On the one hand, it seems to tickle him a little that I write something that other people read. Sometimes he's a little surprised at what a small world we live in when I tell him about some of the connections I've made with other bloggers. Mostly, though, he's pretty oblivious to the whole thing. (Literally. Most of the time when I'm writing my blog posts at 1 a.m., he's sound asleep, snoring right next to me.)

My husband is close to his sister Kathy. Whenever there aren't any sports to watch on TV and I fail to entertain him with my quilting, he'll call Kath and go over to visit or invite her to our house. They've been that way ever since he got his first apartment and moved out of his parents' home, and Kath was still in high school, looking for an excuse to get out of the house and find a good party.

I think my blogging has put a little kink in their relationship, though. While my husband is by no means the silent type, I don't think you could call him overly talkative. He'll talk for hours about sports, but day-to-day, polite conversation--not so much. For him, watching TV with someone else is a social activity. So, when he gets together with Kath, I think that much of his side of the conversation involves what's going on in our lives. And now, because I blog, Kath already knows!

In fact, SHE often tells HIM what we're up to. For instance, the other day, she told him he had messed up my freezer system. Now when he rearranged the freezer, I didn't tell him how he had messed things up. I suspect you don't stay married to someone for 27 years by telling him about every little thing he does wrong, especially when he's trying to do something good. And if you DO actually stay married under those circumstances, it's probably just because he hasn't quite figured out yet how to kill you and dispose of your body without anyone catching him.

So, never having even read my blog, he said he told Kath that about 50 percent of what I write is a lie. I won't get annoyed with him though--I figure it's just something he threw out there to give him deniability in case I write about something embarrassing. Kinda makes me wonder what he thinks I write, though. And it kinda makes me wonder if he's figured out that fabric doesn't really cost $2 a yard.


Red Geranium Cottage said...

Well,if we don't hear from you in awhile I'm having someone check the FREEZER. Cause hubby just may off with you and bury you in the bottom of the neatly, organized freezer space. I got your back though so dont worry. I know where to find ya.
Oh and are you really lying to us half the time???? ROFLOL!!!! Your 6ft. tall,blonde and 105 pounds too right?? And your in the running for Sports Illustrated cover model too right??

Denise (Nour) said...

Your writing is a riot! I don't think my husband OR my kids read my blog but I still think they are impressed that I figured out SOME of the technology to make a blog!

Sherry said...

LOL...I'm keeping an eye on your blog (on YOU)! :) Been married for 31 yrs here (since we were 17 & 19 yrs old) I guess I haven't ticked him off enough yet! LOL Love following your blog!

Vicky said...

And now you went and spilled the beans about that $2/yard fabric! Kath is gonna tell him!!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

You know what's funny??? I have a good friend here and whenever I write about my own hubby she is the one cringing!!! She NEVER wants to know anything about the two of us a couple. :)
I love what you put about fabric being $2 a yard...that one had me cracking up!!!

SuBee said...

Shhhhh!!! Fabric IS $2 a yard! (Never mind Honey, she's just kidding around)
Good for you for not pointing out every last little mis-step; don't you hate listening to someone run their spouse down all the time? I just mention to Hunny every so often that going to sleep might be a bad idea for awhile......... (hee hee)

Anonymous said...

LOL oh too funny, I'm with Su-bee I tell my sweetie that he forgets he has to sleep next to me...hehehehe... But I thought fabric was $2 a yard....... oh how I wish it were, I'd be lost in a sea of fabric.

Unknown said...

I think maybe Pat may be sneaking in and reading your blog when you're not home. Better be careful what you say.
DH has wondered sometimes what I say about him but he hasn't the faintest idea how to work this thing.

Norma said...

I can not believe that you put it right there in black and white (yellow?) that fabric is not $2 a yard! Think about the rest of us here! Pretty soon the word will get around to all the husbands (thanks to your sister in law) and then just think of the mess we will have! It will take years to convince them that it is really
$1.50! Thanks for the chuckle.

Yvonne said...

You mean fabric doesn't cost $2 a yard.....who knew....LOLOL! Everyone now......

atet said...

ROFLMAO -- ok, sorry, this is just too funny. Unfortunately for me, my husband has come on more than one fabric shopping trip with me. He KNOWS fabric doesn't cost $2.00 a yard. Darn it!

Anonymous said...

lol....marriage does require tactics ! ...Having worked in a shop with me my husband can eyeball a mound of fabric and know exactly how much it costs....I now have to be very clever about getting parcels inside and out of their wrappings so it looks like they have been there for a long time.............

Vicky said...

Just hide new purchases by the vacuum cleaner. Hubbies will never find them!!!!!!!!!!

Wendy said...

I really enjoyed reading this post, it made me chuckle. I hope Kath doesn't tell him about the cost of fabric...teehee.