Little things. Today's been all about little things. Well, almost.
This morning I prepared backs for and pinned several little quilts. One down,

. . . five more to go. Actually, I have the second one nearly done--it just needs binding and a couple other little details, but I won't be able to show you that one for a couple weeks since it's for a Secret Santa-type swap.
Then there's this:

Lava Bar--a liquid "chocolate bar." Not that I don't imagine this little tube is filled with magically wonderful goodness, but a liquid candy bar? Why not just buy a bottle of Hershey's syrup and suck that down? Heck, buy a can of whipped cream while you're at it for a chaser! Anyway, my husband came home from work Saturday with this little giftie for me--the guy came to replenish the snack machines and this was one of the new products. Remember that "diet" my husband and I are on? My husband made a loaf of homemade bread for the guys at work and couldn't pass up eating a thick slice himself, so I think that bringing me this "chocolate bar" was an effort by him to balance the scales--pun intended!

Finally, when I got home from work on Friday, I found a box waiting for me with these little guys inside, pounding on the lid, and screaming to be let out. Remember that blog I talked about the other day with all the wonderful decorations? I ordered these little guys off the website she mentioned and I was completely and totally amazed at the speed in which they arrived. That's some service!
What wasn't so little today was the burrito I had for dinner. My husband and I stopped at a local Mexican fast food chain, Adalberto's, and picked up dinner--I ordered a "super burrito." We had only eaten there once before and I don't remember what I had. This super burrito, though, was ginormous--I had no idea until I looked in the bag on the way home! We thought that maybe instead of serving a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, we could just pick up a burrito--it would probably serve a family of 6! Seriously, though, this thing was about a foot long and 4 to 5 inches wide. Needless to say, I didn't eat it all. Not even close.
My bill at the local craft store wasn't little either--that's where my husband and I went before we picked up my 20-pound burrito. Boy do I have a lot of projects to work on in the coming days! The other day when I was blog surfing, I came across this (click HERE to visit the blog):

I really thought maybe I needed something along these lines, so when I found the local craft store had large wooden letters, a few made their way into my shopping cart. LARGE wooden letters. Yeah, I guess those weren't so little either. Okay, so not everything today was little. But I still have four little quilts waiting for me to work on in the morning plus a little bit of the fifth to finish, so tomorrow will probably be another little day. I hope you enjoy your day, no matter what size it is!
Good Morning, Kim! I am first! I don't think that's ever happened before! Your little guys are so cute - they put me in a holly day mood, that's for sure. Your quilt turned out beautifully - your quilting is very nice.
Those letters are very cute! I'm looking forward to see what gorgeousness you create with your letters!
Happy Sunday, Kim!
Love those little elves and the idea for the large letters. Actually, the elves are totally cracking me up. Thanks for the smile -- and hope you have a good "little" day as well!
I can't believe your DH brought you that jar of chocolate. Have you tried it?
The elves are so cute. Guess you got those for your house or sending to me? LOL
First little quilt is terrific. I love the colors.
Was a little suprised to see you had another blog up already.
Cute ideas Kim. Thanks for sharing them!
I found the Cherry Hill Cottage website no long ago myself. I went back to visit again and found another idea to incorporate into my own yard.
Your little quilt is adorable. Any special plans for this one? I know you have great display ideas so I'm sure it won't be without a home for
HEY i have those same little guys. Don't you just love them? I think there so cute. Doe got me hooked on them. She gave me one at the Pajama Party.
The burrito sounds wonderful. Why have turkey just put on a sombrero and don a burrito. LOL!!!
Love Target too but then who doesn't? I go crazy in there. Do you have the Super Target there?
Me again, being as I'm the chocolate queen I might say that the liquid chocolate looks simply divine!!!! LOL!!! Hubby should have joined us he would have been a hit for sure with a case of those.
So, how was the liquid chocolat? Did it have liquid nuts? So, are those letters attached? I guess you have to remove them one at a time when you go to bed! I'm thinking that it's a psychological subliminal msg. You know, someone with hot flashes will think that it's cold in the room.... lol Cute elfs!
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