Monday, October 22, 2007

Quilt Show Wind Up

First, I want to thank all of you for the kind comments left on my blog yesterday about my quilts and my husband. As Darlene said, so many of our quilts have stories and memories behind them, and these were two of mine.

I was reading blogs last night and saw that PamKittyMorning had posted a photo from Pacific International Quilt Festival of the same basket quilt I posted from our quilt show the other day. I believe the quiltmaker is Jan Soule, and I think I forgot to mention her name in my post. She had three quilts in our show, and here's another quilt of hers that I took a photo of:

My nomination for goofiest category in a quilt show has to go to the "wearable art" category. While many of the things I see entered in this category are just exquisitely made, one wonders WHERE anyone would actually wear these things! Here's a photo I snapped of a couple pieces of our show's not-so-wearable-art. Can you imagine wearing that jacket? The shoulders are something else!

And what did I buy? I looked at those red and white FQs and ended up passing them up. I found another smallish tabletopper kit using that Ellery fabric. In fact, I think my "mission" on Saturday revolved around collecting Ellery, both at the quilt show and the shops I stopped at. At the top of this blog is my ever-growing pile of Ellery fabric and below is the small kit and another couple pieces of yardage I picked up. I love that border stripe--that's the one I've been petting in the quilt shop for the last month.

The second kit I bought included a packet of the Ellery "Spoonfuls"--they're like a charm pack, but the squares are 8-1/2". Kind of cool, huh?

I also picked up these Swarovski crystals--they can be heat set. I bought a small Halloween quilt kit a couple weeks ago where the quiltmaker had used these to decorate a spider's web. I bought the clear, jet, and red--I can envision using the red for berries on a wreath in a tablerunner. Have you tried these?

Finally, I got my son's Halloween quilt done. Blogger's being a little temperamental with photos this a.m., so I won't upload more, but the front and back look much like they did the last time I uploaded photos, so you're not missing anything. I talked to my daughter on Friday and hers hadn't arrived yet despite being mailed over a week earlier, Priority mail. Tahoe is about an hour and a half drive from here, but mail service is horrible. I hope she'll get hers today.

Have a good Monday, and thanks for stopping by to visit!


Anonymous said...

What gorgeous fabrics and that border stripe is just beautiful.

Pat said...

Am I in the twilight zone????

What sort of new drugs do they have out there in California now??? Or, is it the result of chocolate overload?

Kairle Oaks said...

I really like your selection of fabrics that you've been collecting. It's kind of nice to add some variety.

So what you're saying about those jackets is that you would never wear them? I bet you'd really stand out if you did! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Helloooooo, remember me?? Oh come on you know you do. LOL Don't act like you've never heard of me before.
I could see you wearing one of those jackets. Yes I could. And I love that pattern "Spoonful of sugar". That is so pretty. Is that the one your going to make?

Yvonne said...

Nice goodies....I think we should get the jacket for Sharon.

Cheryl said...

Sharon would look great in the jacket, especially carrying her new gorgeous bag! Love the fabrics that you bought - and that yellow polka dot - love that one especially!

Darlene said...

Lots of cute fabrics - something for ME? OH, OK, I know that you're going to say NO! Can't blame a girl for trying. teehee

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, looks like you got some pretty fabrics. And I loved you previous post with the stories and the ladder quilt -- soooo pretty. I can't keep up with reading your posts LOL!

Nan said...

Love the Ellery fabric - I really need to break down and buy some. They crystals are pretty - I have a friend who frequently uses them on wall hangings - they look very nice! Love the quilt and the crazy jackets.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Love all the new purchases, can't wait to see the quilts.
-not sure about ghosts, don't like the idea of scary ones.tracey

atet said...

Lovely, lovely fabrics (I'm catching up on my blog reading so sorry this one is so late). I've used the crystals in a little bag -- they're fun and add a lot of sparkle for a little bit of effort. However, having the heat setting tool to put them on is a real plus!