Saturday, September 1, 2007

What Have I Been Doing Today?

I know that many of you are wondering about my Saturday beauty routine and are breathlessly awaiting word on whether I did, indeed, trim my toenails as I mentioned last Saturday. Well, no I didn't. As it turned out, my eyebrows needed more attention than my toenails, so I did a little plucking. Toenails next Saturday maybe--stay tuned!

And what else did I do today? Today's project was block two of the applique "BOM" that my friend Patty and I are designing. Although this quilt is, in theory, a block of the month, I've only managed to design and execute two blocks since sometime around April, I think. Or maybe it was March. Patty has also designed one or two blocks, but I'm not sure she's had a chance to make any of them yet. I think we're probably a well matched pair of designers, don't you think? Anyone else would have lost patience with either of us long ago! So, we'll continue on at a snail's pace. Maybe this will be a block of the quarter quilt! Here's what block two looks like, and just in case you don't have a memory like an elephant and remember block one (the pansies), that block is shown in the second photo. The general "theme" of this project is "Americana," which mainly comes through in the use of the red, white, and blue colors more than subject matter of the blocks--but that too, a bit.

My husband and I drove up to Auburn and stopped in at Cabin Fever, but we missed the owners, Patti and Don, by ten minutes. Don and my husband used to work together, which means Don provides a good distraction while I shop. Today, since Don wasn't there, I was happy to see a pre-teenaged girl latch onto my husband and chatter away, keeping him well occupied while I endulged in a little retail therapy. I think her mom was in the classroom, doing some sewing, and the girl seemed pretty bored. Anyway, here's what I bought--the fat quarter is "just because"; I liked the book and my husband pointed out the main quilt made up and hanging in the classroom, so I'm blaming him for that purchase; and the black with polka dot fabric is for a Halloween applique project that I didn't quite get around to making this year. Good thing fabric doesn't have an expiration date!

After we had a great late lunch at Awful Annie's in Auburn (excellent breakfasts and sandwiches--try it if you're in this part of the world), we stopped at the Salvation Army thrift store back in Sacramento. Neither of us had been there before, and my husband is always on the lookout for odds and ends to turn into garden art. I like to look for glassware (but didn't find anything) and old clothing I can make into something else. On this trip I found a green and cream plaid wool Pendleton shirt that I can cut up and felt, and this denim with embroidery jacket. I think it might make a good tote!

Now it's time to heat up some pizza and watch one of the many DVDs I rented the other day--and, of course, work on another project. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend too! See you tomorrow!


Vicky said...

Sounds like you two had a great day! I want that book! Wait, it looks familiar; maybe I have it! LOL

Good scores at Salvation Army. I struck out the last couple of times there.

Carole said...

Sounds like a great day to me! I love rummaging through junk shops. I too look for glasswear. Nice purchases!

Love the block. That quilt will be sweet!

Thanks for sharing!

Kim said...

oh I love the blocks- I really need to work on the applique skills. Great buys- I never seem to find anything but DD does-
enjoy your day :)

Yvonne said...

I can understand how the eyebrows would take precedence over the toenails....unless they are poking into your shoes.
Your blocks are really nice.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a little beauty therapy, but have thoughts of your toenails curling and doing terrible things to the underside of your feet......
Great purchases, always so nice when someone will distract our dh's..... Enjoy what's left of your week off.

Mar said...

these blocks are adorable, can't wait to see it all together.

Cathy said...

Great denim shirt,have fun with it. How do I post links on my page? Thanks

Darlene said...

You plucked your eyebrows but didn't clip your toenails. Have you looked at your toenails lately - word has it that they are GROSS. Please be kind to your 'fellow man' and clip them. LOL

You are so darn talented - love those applique blocks. You must sell those patterns - wait just send the blocks to me. Would be much simpler for me. LOL

Nina In Norway said...

Nice day, nice book, nice work.... I'll get back to see some more nice stuff.

Kairle Oaks said...

Hey...I saw the Ghoulfriend quilt on display when I was at Quilt, Etc. on Friday and thought of you.

Your apple block turned out so cute. I really like the mug. Is that Starbuck's in there?! LOL!!!

Glad you and DH had a nice little trip. It's fun to get away every now and again.

Jeanne said...

I love those two applique blocks. Hope you'll be designing more very soon!