Saturday, September 22, 2007

Almost Fall!

Am I boring you with all this Autumn/Fall stuff? I hope not, because there's more! And tomorrow's the first day of Autumn, I think! As expected, it sprinkled off and on today, so besides quilting, I lit a couple cinnamon apple candles and dug out some of my fall "stuff." (I'll confess that I also stopped at Michael's on the way home from work last night so I could add to my fall "stuff"--including one of those cinnamon apple candles that are now scenting the air.)

I haven't gotten very far on the decorating and I'll probably take it a little bit at a time, but I thought I'd share bits and pieces with you along the way.

Here's my fall bedding. I made this quilt several years ago from Kansas Troubles fabric. I actually started out with a Kansas Troubles pattern and a monthly class, but I thought the applique was awfully simplistic so I made a few changes as I went. It's mostly machine quilted, but I did hand quilt some of the applique pieces with perle cotton. I finally finished the quilt three or four years ago and entered it in my guild's quilt show. Although the judges didn't award me any ribbons (and right they were, too, because there are some technical defects!), I did win Members' Choice and Viewers' Choice. I love this quilt and I look forward every year to bringing it out and putting it on the bed. Here are a couple close ups:

Morning glories twining around a stalk of corn.

Pumpkin--there are three across the bottom along with two mice and a black cat--this photo just shows one with a mouse and cat.

Purple coneflowers and sunflowers--a branch full of apples on top; on the opposite side, there's a branch of pears. I didn't take close ups, but across the top of the quilt are branches with oak leaves, a black crow (hidden under the pillows), and a moon on one corner and a sun on the other.

It took a couple years, but eventually I made matching panel covers for the wall above the bed, and a valance to go above the sheer curtains in the room. (I couldn't get a decent photo of the valance with the sun coming in, so you'll just have to take my word for it!)

Here's another quilt I wanted to show you:

One year, my online group had a Halloween block challenge. Each of us who wanted to participate made and sent in a block. The blocks were voted on anonymously and the winner got all the blocks. The winner was Eileen, who made the barn block near the center of the quilt. (The block I made is just to the right of it with the flying bat.) I loved these blocks to start with and then when Eileen set them into a quilt and hand quilted it, I thought she did a marvelous job! A year or so later, Eileen gifted me with the quilt as a Christmas present--I was totally amazed! It's one of my favorite quilts! Last year, I was able to display it in the living room, but I have one of my mom's paintings hanging in the only space it fit. So this year, it's on the wall in my bedroom, above my bookshelf, where I can enjoy it when I go to sleep at night and when I wake up in the morning. Aren't I lucky to have a friend like Eileen? Truly, I'm lucky to have all of you quilting friends!


Pat said...

It didn't feel much like autumn around here until I read your blog. Now *I'm* in the mood to do some decorating too!

I'm not sure whether to thank you or complain?!? I have too many other things to do this weekend so it'll be one more thing on my growing "to do" list!!! Maybe I should just pitch the list and do the first impulsive thing that comes along! LOL ;-)

~Bren~ said...

Oh my Gosh!!! Kim that quilt is gorgeous!! I love the panels hanging above the bed that match! Your halloween quilt is adorable too. I would sleep very well in that

Anonymous said...

Oh Kim that quilt on your bed is just beautiful. You do such nice applique. Your quilts are great. I feel like I shouldn't have shown my easy peasy quilts now. Love the ones hanging above your bed too. What a great thing. I too lit the candles today all over the house. It smells so fall like in here. Plus it rained alot today which I love.
Happy Fall my friend!!

Granny said...

What neat quilts. Yes, you are lucky to have a friend like Eileen but she's lucky to have a friend like you too! :)

Do you always have those wall panels to coordinate with the quilt on your bed? If so, I'm impressed!

Kairle Oaks said...

I don't think I've ever seen that quilt on your bed, Kim. What a beautiful job!!!

I got to see the quilt that Eileen made when I visited last year and it is GREAT!!!

Thimbleanna said...

Kim, that quilt on your bed is just beautiful! Gosh, I don't think I'll live to see the day when I have enough quilts done that I can make seasonal changes!

Darlene said...

The quilt on your bed is beyond beautiful. It's a true stunner! Love the panels above the bed, too.

The Halloween quilt that Eileen gifted to you is adorable.

I don't have much in the way of Fall but have managed to do a little Fall decorating.

Mar said...

Awesome gift! Love the quilt on your bed, especially those cone flowers.

Unknown said...

WOW, Kim I'm with Kairle. Don't remember seeing that quilt before. Your up close pictures really show the quilting off.

You haven't gotten into doing that much appliquing on a quilt for a good while. Looks like the cat likes your quilt also, as usual.

Yes, Kim is a VERY special friend.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt on your bed. I love all the different details in it. So I'm going to ask what your method of applique is. I'm just getting back into it and trying to glean as much as I can as far as techniques.

Yvonne said...

I'm not bored at all....your quilts are really gorgeous. You do such a beautiful job...not don't let that swell your head... :) You are lucky to have Eileen and we are lucky to have you both. Thanks for sharing....I'd better get busy so I can decorate too.

Anonymous said...

Your quilts are beautiful! Thank you for all the pictures. It snowed here the day before I returned home from retreat - that's early even for us - you better get on with preparing for autumn girl!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

You people who keep confusing me!! Don't you know it is spring!!!!lol
Love the fall quilts, you really go all out! Tracey

SuBee said...

Wow - I love that! I don't see any technical difficulties, it looks great to me!

Carole said...

Beautiful quilts! The one on your bed is stunning! I am so behind in making fall quilts. Okay, so I'm also behind in blogs. School has been insane!!!!! Enjoy getting the house back! ;o) Hugs!