Thank you all for the kind words about my dad. We saw him yesterday and he's doing okay, but he's being given morphine so he was awfully groggy when we were there and was drifting in and out. The day was gray and rainy, which was in keeping with our mood. My brother and his wife spent some time with dad last night and today when he was more alert--I'm glad they had that chance since they hadn't been able to get up here to visit since October. And my daughter came down from Tahoe to go with us and see her grandpa; she hadn't seen him for some time either.
We were able to get a little more information about my dad's medical condition. Although he will eventually pass away due to complications from the bleed, it may not happen for days or even weeks. So we'll all try to go about our normal lives. It feels really odd though, waiting. But I'm grateful that it allows us all the opportunity to say our goodbyes.
If you read my blog a few days ago, I mentioned making Paula Deen's Taco Soup. Before we left yesterday morning, I got everything into the crockpot so we had a hot meal waiting for us when we got home. It only takes about 15 minutes to get everything started, which was perfect. If you haven't tried it, do so--it's wonderful. The only change I make is to double the taco seasoning and ranch dressing mix, but it's fine "as is." And best of all, perhaps, is that it means we'll have a couple really fast and easy dinners this week because the recipe makes plenty!
I've spent most of today cooking and quilting. Fresh coffee and cinnamon muffins got the day underway while I worked on preparing some applique pieces. Around mid-morning, I shifted my attention to the overflowing scrap drawer I mentioned a few days ago. By bedtime, I had only gone through about half the drawer, cutting strips and sorting the remainder into what to keep and what to toss--although I rid my "stash" of JoAnn's-type fabrics some time back, I found I still had quite a lot in my scrap drawer.

Early in the afternoon, needing a break from playing with scraps, I made homemade mac and cheese, which is not only great comfort food, but it let me use up bits and pieces of leftover cheese. I kind of like to do a little cooking on the weekends, particularly if I'm making enough to feed us during the week.
My mom has had some boxes of "stuff" set aside for me for awhile now, and I finally brought those things home with me this weekend. In the next few days, I'll try to get some photos so I can share my "treasures" with you. In the meantime, happy quilting!
So sorry to hear about your father. I did the same thing as you when my Dad was in his last days...cooked, cooked and cooked some more. It kept me busy and we had so many folks coming through the house we were going through the food pretty quickly. My brother did finally have to tell me to stop - they were tired of washing pans! (ps. Mac and cheese is way up on the list of comfort foods!)
Glad to read that you were able to see your dad. Waiting for someone to "pass away" is not easy on the loved ones. Please remember to take good care of yourself. When did you want me over for those muffins and the mac & cheese? Looks delicious! Would you mind sharing your mac & cheese recipe? I can never seem to find one that my daughter likes, with the exception of Kraft puke & cheese. Take care!
Kim, It's good that you can 'adjust' your thinking to accept what they say is inevitable and go about daily life. So sad about your dad.
Your mac & cheese looks divine. It's making me hungry.
Hang in there :)
So sorry to hear about your father. I'll be keeping your family in my prayers ...
I'm glad you were all able to get up to see your dad on Saturday. You know you're always in my thoughts and prayers.
Rachel made blueberry muffins last night. She is doing a presentation in her AP Calc class today. When I asked her what muffins had to do with her presentation she said, "Nothing. They're just a treat for everyone who has made it through the class." They're down to just 10 students. lol! Her AP test is in three weeks...then no more homework! Yippee!!!
I'm glad to see that you're back posting to your blog. Everything looks very yummy!
Hang in there.
My husband just went through that with his dad. I feel for you and my thoughts go to you and your family.
I'm dying over your mac n cheese. I'm licking my monitor as I type!
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