Does that sound like a negative title? I think it probably is. It's hard to know what to blog about today--NOT because I don't have any thoughts in mind but because I have too many!
I love to read all your blogs and see what everyone is doing. It's kind of like a soap opera, a little peek into the lives of other quilters and crafters. I love to read about all the happy things and even the less happy things that touch the lives of those who choose to share them. I love to get inspiration from the projects of others. Reading blogs lifts my mood, and I'm feeling happy today, although I couldn't tell you precisely why. Maybe it's reading about the spring time enthusiasm of others, the start of new projects, the photographs of blooms in the garden, Easter holiday plans, and all the ideas rolling around in my head about projects I would like to do if only I never had to sleep, never had to work for a living!
Today, though, for some reason I was pondering the subject of people who don't "get" quilts. That's okay if they don't--not everyone HAS to understand a quilter's passion. I KNOW other people are passionate about things that I don't "get." But quilting is such a time consuming past time that it would be nice to know ahead of time who will and will not appreciate receiving a quilt.
I think we're all touched by quilts made for others and given with love and caring. The quilts for those who are ill, the quilts for those who are new to this world. But I'm also sure that most of us have a story about a quilt we gave to someone who really didn't appreciate it. Mostly, we just let it go and make a mental note not to make that person another quilt. But wouldn't it be easier if there was a national registry of those who don't appreciate quilts?
I remember my online group was chatting one day about the subject, and one gal told us about all the time and thought she had put into a quilted wallhanging for her sister. When she visited her sister a few months later, the wallhanging was being used as a bath mat. No more quilts for that sister! LOL!
My brother and I had planned to surprise my parents with a new washing machine for Christmas because theirs wasn't working right. A few days before Christmas, I called to tell them our plans so we could arrange for someone to deliver the washing machine and install it. No, they didn't want a washing machine. Or actually they DID, but they also wanted a dryer that matched, which was beyond our budget. Okay, no washer, but what to give them instead? I think my brother sent them a gift card, but I decided to make them a quilt. Since I didn't want to wait too long to get the quilt to them, I went through my completed tops and found one I thought they would like, one that would go with the colors in their home. Of course, it was one that I liked a lot too--made with scrappy swapped blocks from my online group using fabrics I just loved. But you know how it is--you're willing to sacrifice when you're giving someone you love a gift.
So I did the quilting and finally completed it in February, I think, and sent it off by UPS, two day delivery. That's it in the photo above. Never heard anything about it until a couple weeks later when I was talking to my brother who told me mom liked the quilt but it was too heavy to sleep under. Too heavy? Okay, it was simply cotton, top and bottom, with a cotton/poly batting, but since I thought they'd use it as a throw, I wasn't too concerned. When they were in the auto accident a few weeks ago, I had to go through their house, gathering up papers and things to take care of and toiletries and clothing to take to the nursing home. It occurred to me after the first trip that I hadn't seen that quilt. Maybe in a closet or cupboard? On the next trip, I kind of looked around a little better. Still no quilt. I didn't make a thorough search and I haven't asked my mom what happened to the quilt, but I have to think that maybe it isn't something she loved as much as I did. Who can say?
On the other hand, a few years ago, I made my brother and his wife a simple wallhanging as a Christmas gift. They treasured it so much, they had it framed! While I don't really advocate framing quilts--because I think quilts are to be used, enjoyed, and cuddled--at least I KNOW they appreciate the time and thought that went into it. And do you know what? For Christmas they received four quilted placemats from me. Hopefully they aren't framed and hanging above their couch, but even if they are, I know my quilts are going to a good home where they'll be loved by my brother's family.
Do you have a quilt story to tell, happy, funny, or sad? I'd love to read about it in your blog!
A National Registry? What a hoot! I love the quilt...I hope you find it. Could your Mom have given the quilt to your brother?
Oh Kim, that brought back such memories for me that I posted today on my experience with my mother. I really love that quilt, and I feel soooooo sad for you. It's very beautiful, and hopefully someone else is truly loving it and enjoying it.
Hmmm....I can think of a few people whose name should be on the registery!
I had never seen the quilting on this quilt. I checked it out by clicking on the picture and enlarging it. Beautiful work, as always, Kim!
Enjoyed discovering your blog and reading your posts; is it possible that the quilt never arrived at all?
This is a very beautiful quilt. I think that we've all had the experience of people not appreciating the quilts that they are given. Unfortunately its nearly impossible to figure out who these people are until it is too late.
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