Sunday, August 28, 2011


Are kids ever too old to be spanked? 'Cause I'm thinking even though Soccer Son is 30 years old, I owe him one! Sheesh!

I've seriously never thought of myself as naive in any way, but I guess yesterday's post proved me wrong, eh? I'm happy so many of you were amused though. THAT joke's certainly on me!

I thought I'd show you some of my safer thrift store finds. No Post It notes on any of them!

I came across this little Limoges creamer at Goodwill. It's really not my style, but I thought it might be collectible so I brought it home. There are no chips and it's initialed on the bottom "J.E."--presumably the person who painted it.

And just in time for the upcoming season--

I've admired these pumpkins at JoAnns and elsewhere the last couple years. When I found this little one for 99 cents, I thought it was a fairly good deal.

You know how I love cherries, right? Even though there was just one salt/pepper shaker rather than a pair, it has CHERRIES on it, so I couldn't pass it up! It looks like Mary Engelbreit, but I don't know if she ever designed for Sakura. Debbie Mumm has, so maybe it's one of her designs? I don't know, but I think it's sure cute.

Buttons. Who could pass those up?

I found the hand embroidered dish towel at a little thrift store when I was on the way to stitching and tea at the quilt shop, so I brought it for show and tell. I tried to tell them I made it, but I couldn't keep a straight face. Well, and I'm sure Gran wouldn't have believed me, even if I was a more talented actress!

Finally, and NOT from the thrift store at all, THIS book came home with me yesterday:

I've picked this book up a couple times at a couple different places and admired it--I thought maybe it was time to buy it and bring it home. Cute projects in it!

My friends and acquaintances on the east coast have been on my mind today. Manager Man, the Wild Child's boyfriend, is in the Hamptons to work at one of the restaurants his bosses own, and so far he's fine. I can't think of any other personal friends or family members in the direct path of Irene, but I know several bloggers who may be affected and we have friends a little further inland who will at least get some nasty weather and other inconveniences. We will all just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings, although with the anticipated power outages, it may be awhile until they're all back to normal. In the meantime, I'm hoping and praying this storm isn't nearly as bad as has been anticipated.


  1. Kim that was too funny about Soccer Son. Did he see your blog post? He must have been hysterical!

    Great thrift store finds. I really like that embroidered towel! We're getting rain and wind from Irene right now, but we're on the outskirts of the storm so hopefully it won't be too bad. I'm worried about friends/family though in NYC/Philly/LI. I hope Irene leaves quickly.

  2. They are never too old to spank, and he needs it! That is so funny - I'm sure he humored himself! You found some nice treasures at the thrift store...thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Kim - we seemed to have been in a bubble on our street, no damage or flooding and, frankly, a storm we had a few weeks ago was much worse for us. However, where our son & DIL live a few minutes away, they were rescuing people with boats (our kids are okay however). I feel very blessed. That book looks great - I guess it's time to start thinking about Christmas, huh?!

  4. kim, it is a mary englebreit. i have the cookie jar to match that my daughter gave me years ago. cute cute cute

  5. Love the embroidered dishtowel - I'm a complete sucker for those. I have a nephew & his family in NJ and last we heard they had lost power and had a flooded basement - hopefully no other damage.

  6. That was the first thing I thought of too for the salt shaker, Mary Engelbreit, but you're right it very well could be Debbie Mumm - love them both. You always find great stuff at the thrift store.

  7. wonderful finds....I can never seem to find great things like these!

  8. I have an orphan salt shaker that I love and use it for cinnamon and sugar for toast. I just love to look at it on the breakfast table. Carline

  9. Been watching the storm rage on the east coast - glad manager man is OK. Great finds at the thrift shops - you sure have a good eye.

  10. Limoges in a Thrift shop- imagine! Looks like you got a good haul, and the book looks good too!

    I've been watching the progress of the storm too, and thinking of the bloggers I know who will be affected, though like you say, with power outtages we'll not get news from them for a bit.

    About that embroidered dishcloth- couldn't you have passed it off as a gift from Gran which you just re-discovered????? It is kinda cute!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!