Saturday, August 27, 2011

While Mom's Away . . .

As it turned out, Friday was a pretty good day. Back when my office celebrated Professional Whatever Day (what used to be called Secretaries' Day) in April, the firm gave each of us a certificate for a half day off, and I chose to redeem mine on Friday. My "free" afternoon started with a visit to a few thrift stores and then I joined Gran's last-Friday-of-the-month-tea-at-the-quilt-shop bunch. I wanted to give you a little bit of an idea of what tea's like without photographing all the participants and then having to explain to them that I have a blog and if they'll just let me publish their photos, they'll be famous. So instead I photographed the table with the food. Simpler that way.

Gran sets a cute table with vintage linens and we all bring yummy stuff to share and eat. Then we do hand work and tell funny stories about our husbands. (It's surprising how many of them seem to watch the Lifetime Channel! Who'da thought?)

You'll notice I mentioned I shopped a few thrift stores first, right? I'm back thrifting again. In fact, I've been doing a little treasure hunting this week. One of the little things I found was this girl's wooden jewelry box:

My thought is that I'll do some crafty paint and paper/altered art thing to it to make it cute and then I can store stuff in the drawers. Probably sewing stuff. Maybe buttons. You get the idea, right? When I turn it into a treasure, I'll be sure to show you.

Anyway, I brought it home Wednesday night and had it sitting on the trunk in the living room that serves as our coffee table. When I came home from the Friday tea, I could tell the Wild Child and Soccer Son had both been admiring my find. See their Post It notes?

The top one is the Wild Child's. You can probably understand where she gets her nickname. I'm not sure what Soccer Son was trying to say about "pearls," but I'm sure the Wild Child will edit his note when she gets home from work tonight. And I guess the fact that Soccer Son can't spell "necklaces" despite the fact the word's written on the drawer also says something about why his nickname is sports-jock-related and not something like "Webster."



  1. too funny! I am with the Wild Child...they do kinda look like sperm!!

  2. Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the pearl necklace comment is a pretty filthy reference to a ZZ Top song. You might want to Google it.

  3. Snickering about the pearl necklaces comment...yes it has to do with sperm! LOL

  4. Kim - you don't want to know - LOLOL! Those notes are too funny! Sounds like it was a fun afternoon! I love having time off from work and doing something quilty o:)

  5. lol....oh my, the notes are hilarious. And yes, your son is right up there with your wild child! lol

  6. My husband and I both had a good laugh about those sticky notes, too funny.

  7. The last company that I worked for had a president was from Sweden. We had to explain many american slang to him. The pearl necklace was one of them. That was a very interesting conversation. Maybe you should ask Soccer Son to explain it and watch him squirm.

  8. Kim when you find out what everyone is snickering about let me know - I have to dash over to the shop and caught your blog while watching the storm on the east coast via TV. On another note yesterdays Time for Tea was so nice. The after the tea party picture does not look to bad. We have such a good time. Your rice noodle and shrimp rolls were yummy!!!

  9. I think I would get along with Wild Child just fine!!!

  10. LOL!!! Yes, google it.

    ANYwho... that is a very cute treasure to store little treasures around the sewing room. I can see it filled with buttons. Very nice. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  11. LOL thanks for the giggles! Kids! is right. :-)

  12. Hang on, i can't see through the tears in my eyes!! OK I was going to giggle and make a comment about my 72 year ols Dad watching the Lifetime Channel and then I came to the sperm and the 'pearl necklace' and I thought I was going to loose it!! You have some very twisted kids and I love it!! They would fit right in here! I love the suggestion (and second teh motion) from Tiffaney about having Soccer Son explain!!

  13. or not ... Googling it, i mean ... after i read the lyrics, i still didn't get it, so i went to Wikipedia - and saw the illustrations ... sheesh... i now have a gazillion tracking cookies and a Spam folder full of "enhance your mmmhmm" emails


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