Monday, August 29, 2011

And on to the Next . . .

The project I took to work on during tea and stitchery was the binding of the Ghastlies. And I finally, FINALLY, finished it late Saturday night. I don't prewash my fabric, so after taking the last stitch, I threw the quilt into the washing machine and transferred it to the dryer just before closing my eyes for the night. The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was to pull it from the dryer--voila!

Done! And I can finally say I've now completed 6 of my 11 quilt goal for the year.

So what's next up? Well, I've been telling everyone who will listen to me that I really, REALLY need to make myself a new purse, and I have what I think would be an excellent design in mind, but . . .

Do you remember this pattern from a couple years ago?

I fell in lust with it and started collecting fabrics when the pattern first came out. I took everything I needed to quilt camp in August 2009 and worked on it the entire time I was there. Before I could come close to finishing, Halloween was upon us, and I put it aside.

LAST year, I pulled it out again, and worked on it a bit, but I was distracted by other projects. Again, I folded it away.

Then THIS year, I suddenly remembered it was languishing in the dark somewhere, and this morning, I crawled around on my hands and knees, peering under the tablecloth that hides everything I squirrel away in the Sweat Shop, and I found it!

I didn't remember how far I'd gotten, but when I put the "pieces" up on the design wall, I realized I only had two blocks left to make. I made one of them today:

Here's a peek at some of the "pieces" up on the wall:

I should have the last block done in a few days, and then I can start digging orange, black, and cream fabrics out of my scraps and stash for the piano key border. Perseverence just might pay off this year!


  1. You make the greatest Halloween quilts!

  2. I agree! Florence

  3. Great job Kim!!! I'm excited for you!

  4. I love that Hallowe'en pattern! I was captivated with it myself but haven't even bought it yet.

  5. I remember that quilt! Yours is going to be beautiful. The Ghastlies came out great. Love your Halloween projects!

  6. That's going to be the best fall quilt. I can't wait to see it finished.Bonnie in Tx.

  7. I've only been reading your blog the past year or so, but can tell you right now I have GOT to have that Halloween pattern! You must love Halloween as much as I do.

    Have you seen Blackbird Designs new cross stitch patterns? I gave up cross stitching probably 15-18 years ago, but these new Halloween patterns have me considering taking it up again. Of course these days I'd use them as quilt blocks.

  8. Everyone loved seeing the Ghastlies quilt at Time for Tea on Friday. Congratulations on completing it - Woo Hoo 6 in 11 - it is a joy to see your work. Thank you for sharing along the way

  9. The Ghastlies quilt is simply FABULOUS! I had to order some of that fabric so I can make one (almost) the same! I did order the clover green for the background instead of the tree in green. It's still a directional print, but I'm not going to worry about it and just cut strips - I bet it was a pain to figure out cutting that tree print!
    Keep up the great work!

  10. Temptation! You get me every year with your Halloween crafts. I love this!
    Is this in a book? Magazine?

  11. Your work is spectacular and I love the Ghastlies quilt. Your side bar is nice too, gets my mind on fall and COOLER weather. Thanks for all your inspirations.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. And the new UFO project goes perfectly with your new blog wallpaper! Love both!

  14. Your Ghastlies quilt is not very aptly named you know, because its lovely! I do like the Ghastlies themselves, but I've yet to find the fabric here- perhaps it didn't make it across the Pond. Its just unusual for a Hallowe'en which is why its particularly nice.

    I really love the colours in the new one you are working on- muted orange is difficult to find but its such a warm combination of colours.

  15. I bought this pattern last year and I'm currently looking out it. I HAD to do some paper work yesterday but I told myself that ONCE it was done I could start this project.

    It's callin' my name!

  16. I just have to say I think the Ghastlies quilt is probably one of my all time favorite quilts EVER! I do so love the autumn colours in the one you are working on! You are right on track with your 11 in 11 I think!! They just fly in the fall! You can do it!

  17. Glad you are finishing the Halloween quilt. It looks wonderful.


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