Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Wedding of the Century

The other day, I mentioned the Wedding of the Century and said I'd tell you more about it in another post. This is the other post.

My boss--the woman I've been working for since I returned to work after carpal tunnel surgery in August--became engaged last fall to a man she'd been dating long distance for a couple years. (Her husband-to-be is contracted to a company and is based in China until this coming October.) The wedding is this Friday. Hubby and I are invited. It's an evening wedding and it's kind of fancy.

I've been prodding Hubby for the last 25 years or so to buy a suit. Although his opportunities to wear one are limited, there have always been one or two occasions a year when a suit would have been appropriate--and he has always put off getting one. FINALLY, finally he's broken down and bought a suit!

Me, on the other hand . . . well, I've usually had at least one or two dressier outfits tucked away in my closet, but since we rarely go out, for the last few years I've made do with dressing up my "work clothes" with jewelry and accessories when the need has arisen. But for this occasion, I needed to find something to wear that was a little bit dressier than my work clothes.

I really hate shopping and I kept putting it off. I finally went looking last week and ended up finding an outfit I like well enough. Tonight I went looking for shoes and found a pair. So now Hubby and I are just about ready.

For Mother's Day, the Wild Child gave me a gift certificate to the place I like to go for pedicures, and tomorrow she's going to meet me at my office at lunch time, and we're going to get some pampered feet and some cute toes.

The wedding and reception will be held at a winery in the Napa area. I've copied a couple photos off their website so you can see what it will look like. The first photo is the where the outdoor weddings are held.

And this second photo shows the barrel room where receptions are held.

I'm sure it will be a beautiful wedding. My boss, her mother, and her sister and friends have all been working on the planning since she became engaged. In addition to the wedding, there's a rehersal dinner on Thursday that all the guest have been invited to. It's unusual, I think, but the thought behind having such a large event the day before the wedding was that there were going to be a lot of guests traveling from out of state, so the bride and groom decided to make it a multi-day event. In fact, I understand they are also hosting a breakfast the day after the wedding for the out-of-town guests.

Hubby and I aren't staying for the whole thing--we'll just go for the wedding, since it's only about an hour and a half drive each way. But I know we'll have fun. And I may not post here on Friday night because we'll probably get home pretty late. But I'm sure you understand--after all, it IS the wedding of the century!


  1. Sounds like a very special event - what a treat to see the pre-photos. I can hardly wait to see the outfit you selected for the wedding. Are you taking a day off for a spa day?

  2. Have fun, Kim! It is fun to dress up and go to something very special once in a while!! And a!

  3. When I saw wedding of the century, I thought it was going to be your sons wedding.


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