Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thrift Store Buys and Cows

I mentioned yesterday that I'd been to the thrift store on Saturday, and I wanted to show you a couple things that followed me home. I figured Hubby would kill me if I came home with plates, so I picked these up and put them back a couple times. There were three but I just bought two of these salad plates--I think they'll look terrific with my other summer stuff in the hutch.

I always look for wood items, and my favorite finds are small wooden benches and boxes. I couldn't pass this box up--I think it will be excellent for storing fat quarters or other precuts in the Sweat Shop, don't you?

Several weeks ago, I had an email from Mrs. Philadelphia asking for cows. Well, cow BLOCKS, actually. Why? To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely sure, but I know it has something to do with the fact that she's learned how to piece letters and she's taken to moooooooing and referring to herself as a Cranky Old Woman. So she's got something in mind. Or she's nuts. Either way, I told her I'd make a block, and here it is--

I call it "Do You Think This Bow Makes My Rear End Look Big?" You can see the cows that have come home so far HERE.

I'm glad you could stop by for a visit!


  1. oh Kim that cow block is so perfect. It reminds me of my childhood, herding the cows up for milking and one or two would turn a give you a look just like that.

  2. Great finds and I LOVE that block! =) You're too funny!

  3. SUPER CUTE cow block!! Love the plates you discovered too.

  4. Cute C.O.W. block! She hasn't posted mine yet, but I have it on my blog.

  5. I checked out the other cow blocks and I think yours is in the running for being in the top 10. Love the bow!

  6. YOur cow is cute! Love the red plate, looks like bliss :-)
    Kathy B
    Yolo CA

  7. I've seen the cows as she's posted them on her blog and your's is by far the best!!! You are soooo clever!

  8. She is so cute. And no that bow does NOT make her rear end look big! LOL!

  9. Great COW! Love her sweet face. Nancy will be thrilled!

  10. Great finds at the thrift shop. Love the plates. And that cow. Holy cow, how cute is that.

  11. Cute, Cute, You are so creative!!!!!!! She will love this.

  12. Oh Kim! I love your COW block, I'm sure Nancy will love it, I sure do.


  13. I went over and checked out the herd and your by far is the cutest.

  14. I provided Nancy with a couple of cow blocks too, but mine were not nearly as cute or creative as yours! How CUTE!

  15. Love the cow! New pattern for a pillow? Also love your thrift shop items. Nothing like the thrill of finding just the perfect item, unless of course it has to do with fabric.

  16. Back when we lived in a house that had old fashioned radiators, and white, wooden radiator covers, we had one of those wonderful tool boxes too, and it sat atop the radiator in the livingroom. I wasn't quilting then, but I did have a cat who just loved to squeeze into the tool box, all warm and cozy on a winter day, and look out the window.

  17. LOL!!!!!!!!!!! You made me really LOL!!! I rarely do so. My cat jumped up scared! BTW Im with you on the wooden boxes.

  18. Hi Kim -- I love your cow -- and the fact that you sent us to Nancy to see all the other cows -- I can't wait to see what she will do with them all! Florence

  19. Love this block- did it come from a book?

  20. Super cute cow block! Love the look on her face!!

  21. Adorable. I can't wait to see how she puts these all together.

    Bobbi, no blog

  22. What a great cow block! Your plates-red and polka dots-you can't beat that!

  23. Your cow block is so funny! I love those little plates you picked up-the flowers remind me of lecien's flower sugar line.

    Hmm, does that make me fabric obsessed?

  24. I love your cow, completely different to mine, this quilt will look great. A wedding in the Napa valley...sounds amazing, pleased you got some new clothes. I am always looking for the wood and interesting plates at op shops as well...and sneaking them into the house after! Tracey


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