Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thank You!

Thank you all for your words of support and encouragement, both as to Hubby's current lack of gainful employment and my own quilt pattern and teaching endeavors. Times are tough for so many people that we know we aren't alone. Your kind comments mean a lot to us.

Today I headed back to the quilt shop--which is also a place full of people offering support and encouragement! I can't help but feel a little guilty buying fabric now, but ultimately what I "invest" in quilting--as long as I have a plan and don't make purely impulsive purchases--is designed to earn money in the future through classes and pattern sales, I hope! I found four fabrics I thought would make good backgrounds for the bunny/tulip quilt, and knowing how limited my stash is in non-Thimbleberries neutrals, I brought home a yard and a half of each:

I decided to use the white with yellow flowers on the left for the class sample. I'm also making this one using a variety of colors for the tulips.

I've cut and sewn all of the component block "parts" today and put them up on the design wall, making notes for writing the pattern as I went along. Tomorrow I'll work on actually drafting out the pattern instructions and illustrations. I can't remember if I mentioned it in yesterday's post, but I wasn't sure whether I had saved the applique designs I'd drawn for the original quilt, but I found them last night, so that puts me another step closer to getting this one written!

On another note, Yvonne wondered whether I might do another Day of Beauty post because it's been a long time since the last one. Well, having been gently reminded and knowing that winter will be ending soon, I figured I probably didn't really need that thick layer of leg hair to keep me warm any longer, so I got out my razor today and blew off the dust. I WAS a bit concerned that we may need to call RotoRooter to unclog the pipes afterward and that's certainly NOT an added expense we need right now, but everything seems to have gone alright. And since I'm on a roll with the whole beauty thing, I just might work up to plucking my eyebrows and chin hairs sometime in the next couple of days. After all, even in these difficult economic times, it's still important to look one's best!

Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. I was just lying in bed upon waking up thinking I needed to REALLY REALLY shave my legs as it too has been a while!!! Carve the dead skin from the side of my big toes. Chin hairs I do take care of from time to time but the eyebrows they need plowing!

    Like the fabrics you purchased for backgrounds and the tulip quilt. Have a thing for tulips

  2. You keep saying (writing) some of the same things I'm thinking. Keep up the good work and positive attitude.

  3. I'm sooooo glad you didn't have to call the RotoRooter man....I would have felt really bad....LOL

  4. I must be the minority... I shave everyday. Can't stand leg hair. LOL.

  5. Love the neutrals! And the tulip quilt. I, too, shave everyday. That way what you miss one day, you get the next. LOL

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh NO! You just reminded me of the one thing I should have looked for at the quilt show...and forgot all about! Thimbleberries neutrals for doing the Christmas List quilt! Those lovely tans and light browns you used for the gingerbread men! never crossed my mind...oh well. Any good online sites for finding thimbleberries fabrics you know of?

    Your background fabrics are great and will work great with the Spring quilt as well as so many other things. It's hard to buy when you feel like you need to save, but you have the right idea. it will lead to more income so it's needed. Good luck!

  8. you have to stay warm in California??? huh? I'd love to have you visit Wisconsin and teach, but I bet you couldn't make it, especially now since you shaved off the insulation. better make a leg warmer quilt!

  9. I can't wait to get started on this quilt: I already have my colors picked out!

    Hang in there with everything going on *hugs*

  10. LOL Kim, you crack me up. Your sense of humor is awesome!

    Nice background fabrics! I love the tulips! You're right about your purchases being investments...and you enjoy it too! Double bonus! Best of luck with hubby's job hunt! --Jen

  11. I wish you all the luck and success with your patterns and teaching :o) I love that tulip quilt!

  12. Day of Beauty - you are so funny. That is a good name. I came up with Spa Time, when I was in the bathroom for a long time shaving, lathering up, plucking and doing all the hand and foot buffing and polishing. I even have taken to cutting my own hair, so I can be in there for a while. Being in a houseful of guys I had to come up with a name, I like yours better.
    You are a leader among women.

    As always love your fabric choices.

  13. Hey, Kim - check out Squash House Quilts tonight. :0)

  14. I am so excited about the class on Saturday. I am rethinking my tulips now that I have seen your version on the blog.

    Don't feel guilty about buying fabric. We all have our weaknesses.

  15. Have you seen the commercial about still looking great in tough economic times? A husband (or boyfriend) is giving his wife (or girlfriend) and pedicure. I looked at my husband and he said NO WAY!

    I shave every day. I can't stand leg hair.

    I love the fabrics you chose for your quilt. I've decided that I need to update my stash.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!