Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well, Heck!

I just couldn't stay away! I realized that if I didn't talk to you, I probably wouldn't hear from you either, so I thought I'd stop in and chat a little. Besides that, I've found I'm at a stopping point in the Sweat Shop tonight because I just don't have the "right" fabric I need, so I have a little time after all.

So, I guess I'll take this opportunity to tell you a little bit more about what I'm up to. Originally I had scheduled vacation days on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because I needed some time to get things together for the "Spring!" quilt class next weekend, and I wanted to devote some concentrated time to doing what needs to be done to set things up to produce and sell quilt patterns. All well and good.

Then yesterday morning--Thursday--Hubby called my office to say his company had closed down his department and he was out of a job. Yes, despite my best efforts to stimulate the economy, I apparently didn't work hard enough, and now we've been hit personally. It wasn't totally unexpected--there have been rumors for the last month or so--but we were hoping the company would reorganize a bit and move Hubby and the other people he worked with into other positions. Obviously that didn't happen. So . . . .

By the end of the day Thursday, I had decided to shift my vacation up a day so I could be home today--Friday--and help Hubby out with whatever he might need. As it turned out, I was able to offer some computer assistance with his unemployment application, so I'm glad I was here.

In the meantime today I got busy on the "pattern thing." I read about half of a book entitled "Publish Your Patterns." I ordered 100 photo prints of the Spring! quilt on line through WalMart and picked those up. I ordered computer software. I ordered a tape gun for adhering photos to the covers of quilt patterns. I went to Office Depot and bought paper for covers and regular printer paper and doublesided tape to get me through until the tape gun arrives.

What else did I do? I stopped in at Goodwill and found five wool blazers. I told Hubby he's my boy toy now, and among other duties, it will be his job to take apart wool blazers for me until he finds another job.

I went to a fabric/home dec store and bought muslin, stuffing, fabric paints, and buttons for my quilt classes. I stopped in at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks and chatted with three of my favorite people--Lindy, Gran, and Carol. I measured the Spring! quilt that's hanging in the shop so I could include this somewhat vital information in the pattern.

I grocery shopped. I fixed dinner. I made an iced latte. (I found out Hubby had eaten all his Girl Scout cookies and was making in roads on my peanut butter cookies!)

Then I headed into the Sweat Shop and got out mostly yellow, purple, and pink scraps to make tulip blocks so I can demonstrate to the class next Saturday how the quilt is made. And that's where I got stuck. As it turns out, I don't have any suitable light colored background fabric. It's not something that appeals to me much when it's sitting on the shelves in a quilt shop, so it's the one thing my stash lacks. I guess I'll need to do more running around tomorrow--at least back to the quilt shop!

Between the "pattern thing" and the classes, I still have a TON of stuff to do in the next few days. So, no promises on regular posts or interesting content, but it looks like I'll be around. And if any of you want to hire a man to take apart wool blazers, eat your cookies, or keep your recliner warm, let me know--I've got just the guy for you!


  1. My heart goes out to you. You just described my worst nightmare and you did it with humor and grace. My husband was laid off about seven years ago and it was a very scary thing. It took over eleven months to find another lower paying job but we survived and came out of it even closer.

    Love your blog, I am working on a Scrappy Stars using your tutorial and it is going well. Will send a picture once I get the blocks together. Thanks for sharing that, I have learned a lot along the way.

  2. I'm so sorry about your husband's job. I hope things work out for you. Good that you keep him busy cutting!
    Background fabrics are not fun to buy because they don't jump out at you...I don't have many either. I always tell myself to buy them but then all these wonderful, colorful fabrics speak to me and I come home without the fabrics I set out to buy. I think you are in good company!

  3. Glad to find a post from you even though I didn't expect it, but sorry to hear this news.
    Chris in Sacramento

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your husband losing his job.

    Can't wait to get your Spring! pattern.

  5. I'm sorry to hear of the job loss. That sucks. I'm on the chopping block too. I just don't know when. I was told April, June or October. Nice, huh? Good luck to hubby on the job hunting front.

    Can't wait to see the new pattern!

  6. I agree with punkipie, that sucks! Good thing he has you to keep his spirits up and his fingers nimble by seam ripping. Very important to have flexible hands.
    Just realized that could be taken many different ways.

  7. Ha, Surprise!! I knew you couldn't stay away for long. No need to comment on the rest. You know my feelings. Keep up the good work.

  8. Doggone it, sorry to hear 'bout the job loss. Tell him to keep his chin up and let him have your peanut butter cookies for crying out loud.

  9. Sounds like you are on track again with your positive attitude and creativity. Hang in there, things will work out.

  10. So sorry to hear about your husband being laid off of work, I hope he finds another job soon. Have a great day, perhaps you'll find the perfect background fabric. Let us know if you are going to be selling your Spring pattern.

  11. Ah nuts, Kim! So sorry about hubby's job. I wish him good luck in finding another one. :~) Your attitude inspires me!

    When will the Spring pattern be available? I want to purchase that one.

  12. Kim, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's job! When it's someone you know (even if you only read their blog) it makes this recession very real. I love your blog and look forward every day to reading it. If I lived in your area I would for sure want to take classes from you! Take care and happy vacation days to you.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband but you seem to be doing a great job of keeping him busy!

  14. I decided to try your blog anyway hoping that you would have written us anyway. What a pleasure and a surprise that you had.
    I was sorry to hear about your husband's company closing his department. It happens to so many family and friends now, but your positive attitude must really help your husband. It helps me.
    You and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. I decided to try your blog anyway hoping that you would have written us anyway. What a pleasure and a surprise that you had.
    I was sorry to hear about your husband's company closing his department. It happens to so many family and friends now, but your positive attitude must really help your husband. It helps me.
    You and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. I'm so sorry to hear your husband lost his job. I live near Detroit and automotives related jobs are disappearing like crazy.
    Your quilts are wonderful and I hope your pattern business will be a great success.

  17. Sorry to hear that hubby's job has gone....I am sure something will turn up and in the meantime you will keep him busy....get him to make the peanut have been busy running around and have achieved heaps....good luck with the patterns! ...I have heaps of background fabric....pop on over and get some!

  18. Yes surprised to see a post today also, and you have been one busy little woman. Bummer about hubby's job. Prayers your way that a new job is around the corner for him.

  19. Sorry about the job news, we've been holding our breath over hear waiting to hear of hubby's company sale, which by the way did NOT go off! SO it could totally be shut down in the next few months and he'll be looking for work after 28 years. It really sucks at the moment. I'll cross a few fingers for you along with all mine for us!

  20. So sorry about the job loss. That is such a devastating phone call to receive.

    Good luck with your class and the patterns. Sounds like you are well on your way to making some great pattern packs.

  21. Join the club,my DH's job was outsourced to India last May and he finally got a low waged job doing something else besides programming. I wonder why our people are out of work when so much of the work goes overseas. I feel for you, hang in there. We found we could get by just fine and cut a lot of the things we didn't think we could live without, ie dish TV. A hint, hubby watches a lot less TV with less variety and no TVO.

  22. So sorry to hear about your hubby's job. I will keep my fingers crossed that the job market opens up. My thoughts are with you and your hubby.


  23. If it helps, most of us are in your boat!

    Last night I was studying your St.Pat's day table topper and, at 10:00pm, I decided to practice the ribbon border. How simple and easy.

    See you Wed at Jo's. I have a funny story to tell....

  24. Heck,
    Well my Hubs and I both have brothers who are doing the unemployement thing. Mine lost his job after 30yrs. Wow Kim, I learn so much about you on this blog! Hey, I've been checking out Good Will stores down here in Mo area. Does hubby do any refinishing? We could perhaps make a deal on that dresser in my garage. He'll remember, ask him.

  25. sorry kim,

    In this time it is hard on anyone. I have left the house once this week since when I leave I spend, plus my son who is autistic has a broken foot from surgery. But I get to go to the country loft next week.

    What kind of work does your hubby do?


  26. Well just like everyone.. I pulled up your blog as I do most everyday. I hope things work out for you and your hubby. Produce more patterns and he could be your packing and shipping guy.. hey, look at this way.. you get to harrass the help and he can't turn you in.. LOL
    Enjoy your weekend!

  27. I knew you couldn't stay away. I'm glad you posted. I was afraid I was going to get "Kim's Big Quilting Adventure" withdrawl. Thank God you saved me from getting the shakes!

    I feel bad about hearing that your husband lost his job. Although you were somewhat prepared, it's still a shock when it happens.

    Enjoy your little vacation. Hubby needs your support right now, so it's good that you're home keeping him busy and helping him figure things out.

  28. Sorry about Hubby's job, we've been there and it is horrible. I am a bit concerned again the my hubby may lose his job again, we'll see. Hope he gets another very soon!!

    I hope you are able to keep going without getting too despondent.

  29. Hi Kim
    I am so sorry to hear of your husbands job loss. I will keep you in my thoughts that he will find another job quickly!!

    On a happier note I am waiting, waiting, waiting for the Spring quilt pattern to become available!! I LOVE your ideas!! I am off to the shops to find green fabric for the shamrock quilt.

    in not so cold Minnesota

  30. HI Kim,
    I am sorry to hear that the recession is hitting so hard in your neck of the woods-
    I know that you will keep your husband busy with those wool jackets and feeding him your terrific cookies- I hope that tomorrow brings some good things- So sorry that you and your husbabd are having to go through this job
    I have a hard time buying light backgrounds too- I have a few pieces but would probably have to take a trip to the fabric store too ...
    It sounds like you are having rabbits busy days ( that is what my mother in law calls them when everything just goes hopping along quickly)
    Hope you get all the things that you would like to get done on your vacation list-

  31. Ahhhhhhh, you wrote, you wrote! See how many of us checked in just in case. I am not alone and either are you. Hugs surround you.

  32. Sorry to hear about your sweetie's job loss. You both will be in our prayers. Thanks for the wonderful upbeat attitude during a stressful time! Good luck on your class and other endeavors too. Love your blog. You are a ray of sunshine!

  33. Oh Kim! I am SO sorry! This world is definitely scary. My heart goes out to you both.

  34. Oh Kim I am so sorry that your hubby lost his job. It is happening to way too many people. My heart goes out to both of you!!


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