Sunday, September 7, 2008

Play Time!

Today was spent playing with crafty stuff. I started out cleaning up the Sweat Shop, and before I knew it, I was looking at magazines and thinking about the Halloween and Autumn crafts I had planned. So, . . . yeah . . . that's what I ended up doing. No housecleaning (but then I think it was Michelle who said I do too much of that anyway!), no quilting (despite the fact that was my original intention today), and no cooking (because I hit a couple fast food restaurants when I made a quick run for supplies--tinted glaze at Home Depo [didn't have any] and milk, ice cream, cat food, and Halloween candy at the grocery store [because I have a fine understanding of what's truly important when it comes to food!]).

So, here's what I did today when I should have been doing other stuff.

A-U-T-U-M-N. I actually applied the papers to these letters about a week ago, but they looked pale and anemic. An aging glaze would have worked well, but Home Depot apparently doesn't carry it anymore, so I mixed up a couple potions and went to work. I'm happy with the way they turned out. I think these will probably end up on the mantle in the living room. They'll really stand out nicely against the golden yellow walls.

A folk arty sort of black cat. This wasn't something I had planned to make, but somehow it came about. He might look good with those mouse shape cut outs I bought a week or two ago! Yes, the poor thing only has one front leg, one back leg, and one ear, but an anatomically correct cat was beyond my impulsive creativity. Do you have any ideas for a name for this guy? Every cat should have a name!

If you'd like to make something similar, just draw out a reasonably cat-shaped pattern (freezer paper works nicely because you can iron it onto the fabric), layer two pieces of fabric, right sides together, and attach the pattern (either iron on the freezer paper or pin pattern to fabric). Cut around the shape leaving roughly 1/4" for the seam. Stitch around the outside leaving an opening for stuffing. Clip seams at curves and points and turn right side out. Stuff tightly with poly batting and stitch opening closed. I added button eyes, embroidery floss whiskers, and a ribbon. Oh, and make your cat pattern larger than you think your cat should be because the roundness of the body will make the overall shape smaller. A mouse would be fun too!

Finally, a mishmash of jars salvaged from the garage and decorated to hold Halloween candy. The tall jar is empty for the time being, but I think it's destined to hold black licorice. (This is why I needed the Halloween candy from the grocery store.) All are placed on my shoplifted leaded glass thing (ARGH!). And behind the jars? One of a trio of louvered tri-fold shutters I found at the thrift shop a couple months ago. I've been driving them around in the trunk of my car instead of trying to find a place to keep them in the house, but it was time to take them out and wash them down today. I have decorating plans for these babies!

Did you see my little magazine giveaway? Yes, I found I had purchased a magazine I already subscribed to. In my defense, when I saw it in the store, I thought I must be mistaken about my subscription since it hadn't come. Two days later, and I had two. So if you want it, live in the US, and haven't entered yet, head on down to the next post tout de suite. I'll draw a winner Sunday night.


  1. Cute Cat. I'm bad at naming things. Since you have a Spike, How about IKE, EEK that next hurricane.

    Cute display of candy. I'll take the licorise.

  2. You continue to amaze! Love the letters.

    How about Spooky.

  3. Love that cat! She/he will go great with the mice cut outs. As for a name - heck, I have no idea. I'm so bad at that.

  4. ARCHIE of course, see how his back is all arched up?! :) Love the fabric he's made out of he is perfect! xoxo melzie

  5. OH MY >>> I came to say call your cat Archie. . . LOL Melzie already nailed it! I agree it's perfect...

  6. Look at you with the decorations already. It's tooo hot to be thinking about fall stuff right now. I'm still wearing my flip flops.
    I like your cat and I'm trying to think of a name for him uh it. How about hop a long since he's missing some of his parts. OH wait it's not a rabbit is it?? LOLOL Oh I give.
    Oh love the AUTUMN letters.

  7. love your letters! and your jars of candy are fantastic!


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