Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Quick Little Giveaway

Does anyone want this magazine? I've ended up with two--my bad! There's some really good stuff in here. I'll draw a winner Sunday night and get it mailed Monday if the winner sends me a mailing address fast enough. US only on this one please. Just leave a comment, making sure not to tell me how dumb I am for getting two of the same magazine, and I'll put you in the drawing! LOL!


  1. I love holiday crafts. This would be great!

  2. Dumb? For buying two magazines and then giving one away? I think that you're brilliant! LOL I'll think you're even smarter if I win it! ;)

  3. I've done that before...... last May I bought a magazine while in Virginia... and the same one was in the mail when we got back.

    I love country living.... thank you for the giveaway.


  4. I would love to get it-- get some new ideas. Dianna

  5. You have TWO and my subscription hasn't even come yet! That's maddening. Don't put me in the drawing, I just wanted to complain! LOL

  6. Ohhh! I just had this in my hands at the store tonight and thought.... I shouldn't! But if I won it, then that's okay! Lol.

    Would love to be entered :o)

  7. I'd love the magazine. I've bought two of the same quilting books before. Now that is dumb! My friends love it though because I give teh extras to them. Chris

  8. Ha.....I have done that so many times.....!! colour me "dumb" as well then..LOL....oh and I am in Aus as you know so don't put my name in!

  9. Hey I have done that before! I subscribe to it then buy it!

  10. Kim, I'd like a chance to win this magazine. I've done the same thing, getting two of the same magazine. Can you believe it's Halloween time already? I'm so ready for the Fall Season!

  11. Shall I say someone is dumb? No you've already heard that. No I don't need it , Just wanted to comment.

  12. Save on shipping!! Send to ME I am in NC too!! Just found your blog!! LOVE it.

  13. signme up for the drawing! Ijust love Halloween!

  14. The only magazine I subscribe to is Smithsonian and there's not much crafty inspiration in that! So sign me up! I could sure use some Autumn crafty ideas.

  15. I would laugh except i can't remember how many duplicate mags I have. Aren't the subscriptions supposed to get to us before the newsstands????? Count me in......

  16. mememememe!! pick me! I LOVE the fall. My birthday is Oct 24th, a week before halloween, I always had halloweenie theme partys. I have been working on a couple of fall projects myself. thanks!
    Keep On Stitch'n On!
    (mauh) Liz

  17. I consider myself a pumpkin baby since my birthday is two days before Halloween. I just love this time of year and hope you PICK my name for the magazine. PLEASE PICK ME!!! ;-)

  18. I won't tell if you won't tell on me (I've gotten doubles recently too!!!) Count me in!! kathie

  19. I would love to have this magazine! Love the cat you made!!!
    Thanks for the chance....

  20. You're not the only one to have done this (duplicating the magazine purchase) and with me I can leaf through it in the shop looking at all the appealing articles and still buy the second copy - what does that say about my attention to detail???

  21. I'd love to take it off your hands!


  22. I would love the magazine.. I have done the same thing myself.. now you gave me an idea how to share the duplicate THANKS!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!