Monday, September 8, 2008

A Little Inspiration

One of the great benefits of Blogland, besides "meeting" so many great bloggers--and non-bloggers as well--is the inspiration we share with one another. With that in mind, I thought I'd give you a link to a blog I came across today, Hop Hop Jingle Boo. Mamaspark had emailed me about the papier mache Dress Up Squirrel I bought at the quilt shop the other day (photo above)--she thought she just might need to have one and asked for some information. When I was looking online, I came across the blog of the artist, Debra Schoch.

Right now, Debra's blog's all dressed up for Halloween, and I love her decorations. I think some of her floral arrangements are particularly "do-able." I saw the floral Chinese Lanterns at JoAnn's last time I was there and thought they were great, but I couldn't quite see in my mind how I'd use them. Now I know! And now I'm planning a trip back to JoAnn's during my lunch hour tomorrow. And a stop at Michael's on the way home, I think. No, not just for floral stuff--I already needed to pick up a few things anyway--but now my list has gotten a bit longer! If you're not quite in the mood for Autumn yet or if you want some inspiration--or just a little eye candy--check out Debra's blog.

As we all know by now, I'm inspired by magazines too--too inspired maybe since I purchased one I already subscribed to! So I had a little giveaway this weekend for the "extra," and I've drawn a winner: Chris in Sacramento! Chris doesn't have a blog, but I know she reads mine fairly regularly. Chris also belongs to one of my quilting groups. [Chris, if you're going to be at the Thimbleberries meeting, I'll bring the magazine then; but if not, email me your address and I'll put it in the mail to you.]

Sadly, the weekend has come to an end and it's back to work tomorrow. I hope you've enjoyed your weekend as much as I enjoyed mine! Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. >>>sigh<<< So much inspiration, so little time! I'm going to be watching you closely, for decorating ideas for my office, so do good now, y'hear?

  2. You know that squirrel is so ugly that it is actually cute. Looks very vintage. I like that kind of stuff. With temps to be in the 40s tonight, that is all the fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving inspiration I need.

  3. WOW! I won! Woo Hoo! I'm so excited! Thank you! I'll see you at Thimbleberries on Wednesday! Thank you! Thank you!

  4. Don't tell me that your now gonna start whipping up bunnies?? You are one crafty momma!!!

  5. Thanks for the info Kim. I have now spent way too much time visiting links from Debra's blog. Did you see there is a Halloween swap? Her link goes to a blog that doesn't exist but I have heard rumors there really is a Halloween swap somewhere. If you find out where please send me my ticket to the clue bus!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!