I finished quilting the It's a Wrap quilt tonight, although I still have to sew down the binding. The next time you see it, it will be done, washed, and hanging on the wall behind the kitchen tree--hopefully tomorrow night. I know this isn't a great photo, but I wanted to share--I've been working on it all day. Isn't it funny how quilts always take longer than you expect them to? Or is that just me?
One of the lead news stories tonight was about the theft of a family's inflatable Santa, taken in the middle of the night from their front lawn. Speaking from experience, I'd suggest that guy check his neighbors across the street, the ones who have had to look at the darn thing since he put it up.
If you have an inflatable something-or-other sitting in your front yard, I don't mean to offend you. Seriously, I've seen a few yard displays with inflatable figures that looked just fine, and I kind of like those big inflatable "globes" with all kinds of stuff going on inside, but it just seems to me that a lone plastic inflatable Santa is kind of pathetic.
A few years back, the renters across the street from us put up an inflatable snowman next to a much smaller inflatable Santa/chimney combo. They just stuck them both right out near the sidewalk with no other decorations to make them look at all attractive. From our living room, we had to look at them night after night, and I hated those things! In fact, I considered sneaking over there at night and stabbing them to death (the inflatables, not the neighbors). Boy was I excited to see them sitting in a heap on the grass that first morning--I thought someone had beat me to it! That night, though, they came back to life, much to my dismay!
We have new neighbors over there this year, and when I noticed they were stringing up Christmas lights outside a few days ago, I watched with some apprehension. No, no inflatables, thank goodness! Just a tasteful display of Christmas lights and a Christmas tree in the window, which is pretty much the same thing we have.
Yes, I know I'm a Christmas decorating snob. I don't know why that is or why I'm so hung up on the whole Christmas thing. Yes, I even drive myself nuts sometimes. I wonder if there's a 12-step program?
Well, the weekend's over, and it's back to work in the morning. Time to turn out the lights in the Sweat Shop and head to bed. I'm glad you could stop by and visit!
The quilt looks cute will be good to see it hung behind the tree.
About thos inflatable things. The other day in town there was a yard that must have had every one ever made. the small front yard was full and then all lined up along the bordering yard. Looked horrible. Lots of them I see are in a pile on the ground. I think the air comes out overnight or maybe the neighbors have a pim.
It's A Wrap is sooooooooooo cute! It would look super cute in my house. teehee!
Oh, don't get me started on those inflatable decorations! Ugh!
so true about quilts always taking longer than expected. It's a wrap is adorable! Luv it!
Love that quilt!!! Don't' ya just love that fabric?? Can't get enough of it!
Inflatables??? LMAO!!!!! Isn't it funny how when you first saw them and the next morning you saw it all flat lying there and you'r thnking it's DEAD then the sun goes down, they flip a switch and dang if he doesn't come back to life!!! LOL!!
What a fun quilt. You know I love that fabric (speaking of which, I need to pick up some more of it to back a quilt with!).
Talk about the two poles of Christmas decorations - a beautiful quilt and a yard full of obnoxious blow-hards!! I have a GF that lives in a residential area full of these things, and her biggest complaint is that they are pretty loud when her family is trying to sleep. Never thought about that part, but it doesn't exactly add to the appeal,does it?
I do just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that quilt!!!! And those fabrics!!!! :> Now I know what to give you and Darlene for Christmas (hint: large, inflatable ROFL)
I don't like those inflatable things either, there are gazillions of them all over the place where I live. I especially hate them when they are turned off for the daytime hours, and lay there in a huge tacky heap of vinyl.
Your quilt is wonderful....all your decorations are so festive.
It's a Wrap looks wonderful! To be honest with you, the inflatable Christmas thingies baffle me. ;)
LOL* Man, there are two posts on inflatable Christmas decorations!!! I never knew how terribly uncool we were!
Ah yes, inflatable Christmas decor - not my thing, thank you very much! I am pleased to say no one in my neighborhood has them.
Love that quilt! Your quilting is wonderful - I would like to take classes from you! Would you teach me??
What a sweet looking quilt! I love it! Yea, I read you about being a decorating snob! I am NOT into the inflatable decorations. We have someone on the main road that has at least 5 of those blow up things! You should see their halloween ones. You'd think they'd spend their money on improving their home in other ways! It's expensive stuff not to mention that hydro is not cheap here! That's probably why they deflate them during the day! Lucky for me my neighborhood/street those not endorse inflatables!
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