Anyone want a cat with a delightful personality but a proclivity for knocking down and breaking glass Christmas ornaments? No? Probably just as well because I'm pretty attached to her, but gosh darn it! This morning she was fascinated by the ornaments hanging from the valance in the bedroom--which hung there last year and were ignored by her. She's pretty mischevious, though, and decided this morning that she wanted to bat one down. All I can say is that she's no longer on Santa's list of good little cats.
Can you stand more Christmas decorating photos? I'm at the stage where I'm trying to finish up the last bits--which happen to be a couple trees--and fine tune some of the decorations I put up earlier. By "fine tune," I actually mean "change things around a little." I won't bore you with a lot of chat--I'll just tell you what you're looking at 'cause you KNOW my photography skills aren't always the best!
The tree in the Sweat Shop.
A close up shot so you can see the cute button and bead garland (Target) and one of the Williraye ornaments (Target again) and rusty-looking bells (where else? Target!).
Remember the sleigh I painted? I decided to move it to my son's former room, put a lighted tree on it, and enlist a friendly bear to pull it along.
Do you have any of those old wooden spools? I stuck a candle on top of one and tied a bow on--fast to do and I like the way it looks.
Thought I'd just show you that platter I mentioned the other day. My husband still hasn't noticed it--or at least he hasn't said anything! It's the green one at the back with the penguin.
This is me. No, not really! LOL! I was in JoAnn's today--YET AGAIN--and decided to take a look at their patterns for pajamas. I haven't sewn clothes for a long time, but my girl boss and I were talking the other day and she mentioned that she likes to make herself a pair of PJs every Christmas. That sounded like an excellent idea to me, because I never seem to find any in the store that I really like all that much. Anyway, I doubt I'll have time BEFORE Christmas to make a pair, but maybe after. And what was I doing in JoAnn's again? Well, my personal Christmas decorating consultant, Missy, was at work today and I was telling her about some issues I have with decorating the tree in the kitchen, and she sent me off to JoAnn's for some crystal-ice-encrusted branches. So I was forced to go--not my fault at all! Really! I'm waiting for some ornaments to arrive via UPS that are scheduled to be here by Friday and then I can try to get that one finished up. In the meantime, I have another to decorate for my daughter's former room. I think I have six trees. Yeah, I know I'm nuts. But I love Christmas!
I'll take your kitty girl. Mine are doing the same thing Kim and there isn't even any decorations on the darn tree. They are driving me crazy. Everytime we put up an artifical tree they do this, if it's a real one they leave it alone. I love all the decorating you have done. Very pretty. Like the PJ pattern also.
I SO want you to come over!! I love the bear pulling the sled - my Hunny's gonna be gunnin' for you when I get done copying all your decorations!
Oh; I'll trade you an ornament killing kitty for a senior cat who thinks the tree is impinging on his territory. (!!!)
You have one naughty kitty, and I have three naughty dogs! 'Tis the season for misbehavin', I guess!
Your decorations are to die-for gorgeousness! I must have them ALL!! Where do you live and when do you leave the house everyday? LOL!!
Your kitty is very cute, but I have 3 of my own that are always getting into stuff, so . . . I don't even bother to put up a tree, it would be demolished in hours.
Very pretty decorations you have going there.
We haven't put the tree up yet but have been wondering what will happen with the cat when we do! Last year she thought she should climb up the tree but that was before we had her declawed.........so guess the new glass balls I bought will go on the top part and the homemade felt things on the bottom.......might look odd but then again, might save my new treasures too!
OMG I saw that cat picture first and started laughing. I knew it wasn't gonna be good. LOL!!! And is that my Christmas present hanging on the wall in your sweat shop cause I love it!!! How did you know I would?? And I love that pose of you and that hunk in the photo. You really should think about taking up modeling. Great decorations too by the way.
What is this with the identity thing here??NICKNAME???? Hmmm who shall I be???
you are a decorating diva! me? I'll probably throw a wreath on the door and call it Christmas!
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