The funny thing about auctions is the way they make you feel really great about offering to pay more for something than anyone else. And part of it, besides the competitive adrenaline, is the fact that you can stamp the word "winner" on your forehead. (Well, you could if you wanted to. Not that I do. But I'm thinking about getting it tatooed somewhere maybe. I think my inner thigh would be kind of funny, don't you?)
I love eBay. Sometimes I go through crazed, manic eBay periods until my mail carrier threatens to sue me for back injury. (It's funny how much our mail carriers know about us just by looking at what we get in the mail. For instance, mine knows I'm a quilter. I think the tip off was the couple bolts of fabric she's had to deliver.)
I've mentioned before that I have a small collection of teapots, and I've just "won" another one to add to my collection.

Isn't it cute? Kind of 50s looking. It's a Hall's teapot. I've seen one of these before on someone's blog, and I seem to recall that whoever it was found it at a thrift shop; she probably paid a small percentage of what I did.

I haven't done a lot of thrifting, but what I've done has been kind of disappointing. I haven't given up though--there are still thrift shops in my area I haven't tried, and maybe I'll hit the Mother Lode one of these days, but in the meantime, I guess I'll have to be satisfied with eBay. I DO know that I've gone to antique-type shops and found that I can buy from eBay much cheaper, even when you add on the cost of postage, and the selection on eBay is a whole lot better.
Besides, at eBay I'm a WINNER! And that's gotta be worth something, doesn't it?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you love vintage "stuff," are excited by thrifting/collecting, and spend some of your time reading, check out Killer Stuff by Sharon Fiffer. Killer Stuff is the first book in the series about collector/amateur sleuth Jane Wheel.
Oh, that is adorable! I stay away from e-bay. Bought a few quilting books and decided that I didn't need another addiction. So I continue to be addicited to my Amazon credit card. It gives me cash back for spending. I just spend any where and get $25.00 certificates whem I've hit the $2,500 mark! lol I guess I'm a winner too! lol I keep telling my husband how I have to spend so that we can keep getting those $25.00 certificates. Sometimes I wonder how he manages to put up with me! lol
LOL - so that's the attraction to e-bay! Of course, "winning" and auction makes us feel like winners, always a good thing. Good observation! And a really cute teapot too -- WTG!
Wonderful teapot!
That is the neatest teapot. I have never seen anything like it. Great find. And congrats on the "winner" status. Even if you have to pay to be a "winner". A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Right?
Absolutely beautiful! Coolest teapot ever!
that is the coolest teapot! I have never seen one with a cover like that!
I have that exact teapot! It was kind of a funny story because I won it off of eBay and when I got it I was so disappointed that the metal cozy part was YELLOW not silver. I managed to find someone that was selling just the silver metal cozy part (with the yellow knob on top and everything) and now I can proudly display it.
It's so sweet looking I think.
The type of teapot you have, cost a fortune in France.
My MIL passed away and I found a pale green teapot (a little smaller than this) with a metal cover as well. It has the original liner in it as well. It is just impressed "Made in England" on the bottom. My husband wants to put it in the estate sale for $20. I'd rather keep it or sell on eBAY. It's so beautiful.
I am about to place one up for sale on Etsy which is exactly like the one you found! With original cover and all - though the warmer top is yellow and not silver - with no chips - Im curious what you bought yours for so that I can sell it at a fair price...
divaliscious at
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