Thursday, September 25, 2014

Time Flies . . .

It's hard to believe it's been over a month since I last posted!  You all know I love fall, and fall has arrived . . . and you know I love Halloween, and that will arrive before long too.  So, having woken up to the first rainy morning of the year today, and having spent at least part of the day thinking about the season, I thought I'd share something with you that will get you thinking about fall too, if you aren't already.

Hubby and I made a little trip about an hour and fifteen minutes south to visit my brother-in-law and sister-in-law on their "ranch"--they've lived there for two years and this was our first visit.  What took us so long?!  My sister-in-law, "Mumzie," is a very creative person who decorates for the seasons beautifully, and one of her specialties is pumpkins.  Before we left for home, she gifted me with the raw material (i.e., a PUMPKIN!) to make a creation of my own--she has grown her own pumpkins in a big pumpkin patch for the last couple of years and they're beauties!  How lucky am I to get one?!!

Mumzie told me how she creates her masterpieces and showed me some of her decorating supplies, and because she has described her process on her blog, I can share her methods with you.

Here are a couple before and after photos.

In a series of posts, Mumzie shows us how to clean and prepare the pumpkins and then how to decorate them.  Take a look a the first one HERE and then continue on by clicking on the related links at the bottom of each post.   Once I've had a chance to transform my pumpkin, I'll share it with you.  Happy Autumn!


  1. Good to hear from you again, Kim! I thought about you a day or two ago and realized we hadn't 't seen you post for a while. Glad to know all is well. Looking forward to seeing what you create with your pumpkin!

  2. I was just thinking about you late yesterday and POOF! this morning I see a post. Nice to hear from you! The pumpkins are so cool!!

  3. So glad to see you back posting! I have missed you posting even occasionally. What a darling pumpkin. Can't wait to see yours. K-

  4. you have rain this morning and we have unrelenting sunshine - again ... not that i'm complaining (wait - yes i am - i could go for a bit of rain - but not TOO much) ... anywho, those are awesome pumpkins - although my very favorite kind of pumpkin is pie or coffee or bagel

  5. Glad to hear from you! Mumsie is indeed talented!

  6. Nice to see you back. I think of you in the fall when I take a peak at your Happy Jack pumpkin pattern. I hope to stitch him again.A decorated pumpkin is such a lovely way to greet Autumn.


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