Saturday, September 27, 2014

So, There's a Story . . .

You may recall that a few years ago, we had an uninvited house guest . . . a FURRY little uninvited house guest.  But maybe "uninvited" isn't quite accurate since the little guy definitely WAS encouraged to visit by our tuxedo cat, Stitch.  Remember the mouse guest?

Not long after I finally escorted the little guy out the door, bag and baggage, a few months later, I decided to decorate a small Christmas tree using mice "ornaments" in memory of his stay with us.  Here's an old photo--

The other evening, I started thinking about Christmas--yes, TOTALLY TOO EARLY, I know, and don't judge me--but I wondered if there were any new mouse ornaments out there that I could add to my mouse tree when it was time to decorate this year, and I found a couple on eBay.  So into my eBay shopping cart they went.  But then I started thinking, "Do I really need more mice?  Do I really want to pay that much or should I wait and see what I can find locally?"  I figured I'd sleep on it--by then it was pretty late and time to get to bed anyway.  So I shut down the computer and headed toward my bath.

Stitch was waiting in the bathroom for me; he's funny that way.  He totally knows my routine and anticipates my every next move.  But what caught my attention was the fact that our other cat, Spike, was also hanging around the bathroom--normally she's in bed by that time, or off in the living room doing cat things (whatever those are).  My suspicions raised, I inquired, "Okay, kids, what's going on here?"  Stitch simply looked up at me, blinked, and turned his gaze toward the bathtub.  Dare I look behind the shower curtain?  Ah, but the real question was dare I NOT?  So I did.  And yes, you may have already guessed what I found:  a mouse!  A LIVE mouse!

I must say, it seems I'm getting pretty good at capturing mice and escorting them to freedom.  A little maneuvering with a flat piece of cardboard and a smallish box, and before Stitch knew it, I had his little friend out the back door and onto the patio.

The next morning, I fired up the computer and placed my order for one of those eBay mice.  I think it was some kind of cosmic fate and obviously meant to be.  The little guy arrived today.


  1. That's a very cute ornament. You were quite a bit calmer than I would have been about the mouse in the bathtub.

  2. about twenty-five years ago a naked (and much thinner) me totally freaked out, screamed and ran a mile or two In Place when there was a mouse in the bathtub ... the eXMan captured and released it into the Wild, saying that it had suffered enough and didn't deserve to die ... i SO would have trapped and killed the little sucker ... it was just about that time that i stopped thinking that mouse ornaments were cute ... so, no megging with this one ... just sayin'

  3. You are so funny! Love the story and the mouse! We have rat squeeks outside at night. That is close enough! He really is cute. Thanks for the story. K-

  4. Love the ornament! It is so cute. I've already started thinking about Christmas too and have had to reign it in to consider Halloween first!

  5. Hppay you are back. Really have missed reading your blog.

  6. That is a very sweet mouse ornament!!! I have a thing about mice too because they are just so darn cute... But outside and not in the house!!

  7. Love your blog, hate mice! Glad you are back, you have so many creative ideas I have missed reading your blog.

  8. Oh that is adorable! Both the ornament and the story! Now I'm going to have to have my daughter recount her friends mouse story from their Vet School days!

  9. Hate to be the one to break it to you, but your little mouse friend was probably back in and cozy within 24 hours.... they don't go away without a fight!

  10. Hi Kim
    Glad to hear from you and Stitch! I hope hubby is feeling stronger. It was great to see a post from you- it felt like I was catching up with an old friend.
    Best wishes

  11. Bustle and Sew online has a free mouse pincushion pattern. Good to see you posting. :)

  12. Haha danke für die lustige Story.Hat mich echt total amüsiert.Wie war das denn jetzt nochmal genau mit dem Urlaub im Hotel Kastelruth bei euch?Liebe Grüße Selma


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