Sunday, August 17, 2014

Stopping in for a Visit . . .

It was a busy weekend of chores, as so many of my weekends seem to be.  I feel like I used to have more play time.  I know working out has cut into my time, as has meal planning, so maybe that explains it a bit.  Nevertheless, I've done a little bit of stitching last week and this weekend, so I thought I'd share with you what I'm up to.

A friend and I have started a new applique project, Grandma's Kitchen.  The pattern is by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet.  Here's a photo of the pattern--

I finished my first block, the apron block.  We've decided to use mostly 30s fabric/colors for our version.

Next we'll start on the block with the pitcher of lemonade.  The other project I completed is a version of a pattern by Kimberbell called Too Fa-boo-lous.

Also in the last week or two, I've prepped the applique for the Country Houses quilt, but there's still a lot of actual sewing to be done.

So that's what I've been up to.  How about you?


  1. Hi Kim. I love the Grandma's Kitchen quilt, also love the sewing one, family one, laundry one. I started a new blog: Felt the need for a change. Cut out fabric last evening from Miss Kate charms for new Schnibbles quilt Zoom.

  2. Miss your blog posts but I understand. I've been missing from my sewing room this summer. I hope to get motivated soon.

  3. Two fabulous projects...loving that

  4. Good to hear from you! The Grandma's Kitchen quilt looks really nice. Love your apron!

  5. I just love the apron you made for Grandma's Kitchen - wonderful colors!!
    P.S. Also, I'm so glad you commented about prepping your Country Houses - I figured I better get started (!) on mine as well, but for the life of me, I cannot find my background fabric!!! Aarrggghhhh!!! Been hunting all afternoon without any luck. Obviously, my sewing room re-organization wasn't a success! Thank goodness for online quilt shops ;o)

  6. saw that pattern at the vendor mall last weekend...adorable! I love how you have friends that will quilt the same quilt for support!

  7. aw, come ON!!! will you please STOP MEGGING ME?!? you KNOW i don't do applique and this pattern is gonna join the others that i've bought after seeing the wonders you have created, thinking that i can do the same and never quite getting up the courage to even start ... sheesh!!!

  8. Kim: I miss you so much! Please check in and let us know how you and your famiy are doing. You give me inspiration with your cute ideas. Jan T.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!