Sunday, March 30, 2014

How Did This Happen?

For the last little while, it seems I've been working on a TON of different projects but not actually getting any DONE, so there's been nothing of substance to share with you.  Remember when I showed you the shoofly blocks Pat Sloan had on her blog?  I suggested that my scrappy Sunday gals--or anyone else really--might be interested in making some of these from leftovers.  Well, I sort of took my own advice, except I didn't go with the idea of making the blocks from scraps because I had a specific color theme and not enough scraps to carry it out.  So, the one thing I have made that I can show you is a quilt top made from those shoofly blocks; and I DID manage to work with fat quarters that I had in my stash, so it's sort of scrappy.

A friend of mine, who loves black and white, just had a baby girl, so I thought I'd make a quilt for her.  I struggled with adding sashing to this one.  I tried it with one row of blocks, but I ended up not liking the look, so I took it apart again.  Then I thought about a border, but I'm not sure I'd like it any better than I liked the sashing, so I may or may not add one.  At this point, though, the quilt top is 40" square, which is a nice size for a baby quilt, don't you think?  So I'm thinking I might just quilt it and then bind it in a black and white stripe--or a pink and white stripe.  And maybe make it a wide binding as a quilting friend of mine does, which will set it off just fine, I think.

When I made these blocks, I made two of each, so I have a nice little pile of blocks for a second quilt top, but I still need to put that one together.  I'm still thinking about sashing, but I'll do something a little different with the next one.  You never know when you might need a baby quilt, so it's nice to have one made up and in reserve.

Speaking of baby quilts, I have some baby news of my own to share.  The Wild Child is going to have a baby at the beginning of November, and this will be our first grandchild!  As you may imagine, we're all tickled with the news.  The Wild Child just turned 30 in February, and she graduates with a BA degree in May, so the timing is excellent!  We don't know, yet, whether she'll have a boy or a girl, but as I say, it's always nice to have an extra baby quilt in reserve!  I know Soccer Son and His Lovely Wife plan to have children someday too, so the grandma years are approaching!

Now, if I could only concentrate on FINISHING a project or two, I'll have something to share with you, but the Sweat Shop is piled high with projects in various stages of completion.  I've stalled out on quilting the Pie in the Sky quilt, so it's languishing on the quilt rack.  The blocks for the Star Light, Star Bright quilt along are laid out on the Wild Child's bed awaiting sashing, but I can't seem to decide if I like the layout--there's something about the blocks sitting on a flat surface that's keeping me from figuring out if I'm happy with color placement; I need to figure out how I can get them up on a wall where I can see everything better.  You already know I have a pile of shoofly blocks awaiting setting.  And I have several monthly projects that can't be hurried along.  The Bunny Hill quilt Pumpkin Pie--I haven't talked about that for awhile, but I get together with a friend a couple of evenings a month, and that quilt top is slowly being populated by blackbirds, but it's another slow project.  And as if all of that and a few other smaller projects I haven't mentioned aren't enough, yesterday I started a pieced Halloween quilt I blogged about when I went to a quilt show in Manteca at the beginning of March.  Why?  Well, I had all the fabric stacked up and I knew my friend who bought the kit at the same time had finished HER quilt top . . . . yeah, not a real good excuse, but I just couldn't wait and it was a weak moment.  How did this all happen?  I think I'm sadly lacking self control.

So what are you working on?  Are you more focused than I am, or do you have these crazy times with too many projects too?  For those of you who are working on scrappy projects, please link up so we can see what you're doing.

Whatever you're working on, I truly hope you're enjoying it and having fun--even if you have TOO MANY PROJECTS! Quilt on, ladies (and gentlemen)!


  1. Congratulations, Kim, to you and your whole family! I'm so happy about your baby news! Florence

  2. Wow, a grandchild is coming soon! Congratulations to the parents and and all the grandparents. You are going to have fun!

    I love the black and white with the pink. The combo made a lovely quilt.

  3. Congratulations!!!! Your life will never be the same...what a wonderful adventure! Wild Mini Me! I love the baby quilt just as it is...I'd envelope it for a modern
    Look cause that is what the young mommies seem to like. :)

  4. congratulations!!! i am SO EXCITED for you - you will be an AWESOME grandmother!!!

  5. YAY! Congrats! Grandbabys are the best!

  6. Hey, congrats to you and yours - very exciting! As to the rest of it, I call it Crafter's (or Needleworksr's) ADD, and consider myself their poster child :-).

  7. Congratulations! There's nothing like grandchildren. Love them and send them back to Mom when they get fussy. We just had our first great grandchild and the first girl born since me and I am 67 years old. We are over the moon.

    I need to finish quilts too and have lost my MoJo. I need to get with it.
    Make it a good week.

  8. Hello, I'm Zoe. Yesterdey I made a vase chock.

  9. a first time grandmother - that is a really special time. I have 3 children, but only one provided me with grandchildren - three - all born on July 9th - soon to be 3 y/o triplets. I made a ton of blankets for them - special ones with minkey backs, flannel floor blankets and recently some doll blankets - one can never have too many blankets. Check out the utube tutorial about making self binding receiving blankets.

  10. Yeah! Congratulations on a new baby to hug and kiss Kim! You are going to love being a grandma!
    My projects are super scattered... a reflection of my brain I assume! I barely made the Schnibles quilt in time for the parade yesterday. In the meantime... I cut out two, not one, but two new projects! I need help!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!