Sunday, March 23, 2014

Quilt Doodles BOM--March Tree Block

On Saturday, I finally made the March block for the Quilt Doodles BOM.  Well, I say I FINALLY made it, but I actually first attempted it last weekend and it came out looking a mess!  The green fabrics I picked for the tree were too close in value to the blue sky, so you could barely differentiate between the two.  Has that ever happened to you?  I find blue and green very difficult to work with for that reason--I think they look too similar to the eye.

So this time I dug through all of my scraps and pulled out some brighter greens that trend toward olive and lime tones and I think it turned out okay.  I like the darker greens better in general, but they just weren't working for this project.

Next month, for April, we'll be making another row--I'm looking forward to seeing what it is.  Here's a reminder of what I've done so far.  February's block was a house (cabin)--

And we started off in January with a row of snowmen.

By the way, I took this month's photo using my brand new camera--with my new USB cord.  And everything seems to work okay!

I apologize for neglecting my Scrap Basket Sunday friends last weekend.  It seemed like there was a lot going on that weekend, including breaking my camera, and I felt off kilter the whole time.  By the time I realized I'd missed Scrap Basket Sunday, it was Monday!  So, here's the sign up for this week--and please feel free to link up for last week too if you posted a scrappy project on your blog back then.

I have not made any headway at all in quilting the Pie in the Sky quilt for the last few weeks, but I hope to get back to it soon. I hope you're doing better than I am!  Happy scrapping!


  1. This week I made some finishes of my stitching. Here I show the different pincushions.

  2. Kim, have you ever used the Ruby Beholder? I often have trouble with value contrast and this tool helps tremendously. You got the contrast right in the end, though - your tree looks great!

  3. Love the colour combinations in the blocks!

  4. A few of us who are doing the BOM wondered why the first snow under the tree wasn't centered. Some left it and some centered. Your tree prints have great contrast.

  5. Love the greens you used for your tree, very nicely done! Hmmmmm why isn't the snow centered :) 'artist license' I guess. Happy quilting!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!