Monday, October 14, 2013

More Off Than On . . .

I DID get my chores done on Saturday, which meant quality time in the Sweat Shop on Sunday, getting tons of projects done!  Well, not quite.  I actually didn't get tons of projects done after all.  I didn't even get to work on the scrappy sashings for the Pie in the Sky quilt.  Nope, instead I was anxious to get the project on the design wall done and down off the wall . . . and I really had absolutely no idea the darn thing was going to take this long.

I've been working on this project off and on for the last few weeks, although with all the exercise, work, and everything else filling up my time these days, I haven't had as much time to work on it as I would like.  But I remember when I talked about it before, someone commented that I could probably get it done in a weekend, and I believed I could too.  Ha!  Not even close!

So here's where I am so far . . . and this is after sewing almost all of Sunday on it, except for a little time for a grocery run, peddling some miles on the exercise bike, and cooking and eating a couple meals.

Twister Jack!

I cut the squares (I'm using 5" squares) some weeks ago and positioned most of them on the wall, although the last couple of rows didn't fit until now.  I had even sewn together a lot of those squares into rows, and rows into sections.  But in order to get enough room on the design wall to audition the blocks for the last few rows, today I started sub-cutting the sections using the Twister template and positioning the pieces on the wall.

I still have all of the last three rows of squares to sew together, then I need to add the borders to those rows, and finally I need to cut them using the Twister template.  After that, of course, I still need to sew all those smaller pinwheel-looking blocks into rows and sections.  Still a lot of work to do, right?  So I guess I'm not going to be able to clear the design wall for a little longer.

I wanted to be further along when I showed you what I was up to, but I'm just too slow I guess.  I hope to get more time to work on it this week, so maybe by next weekend I'll have some progress to share.

I hope you found time this weekend to do whatever you really wanted to do.  For those of you celebrating, I wish you a Happy Columbus Day here in the US and Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in Canada.


  1. Terrific Twister Jack! After seeing your Hallowe'n 1904 I pulled my UFO box last night and got the piano key border strips sewn together and some of the half square triangles I'd precut. Had planned on a 4 block table topper before setting it aside so will finish this! Thanks Kim!!
    Anonymous Launa

  2. I just finished a class with the Lil' Twister and the Christmas Wreath. That was just 25 blocks compared to your 144 (that's what I counted) so I'm sure you will be stitching away for a time. It sure is fun though. Jack is looking good!

  3. twister designs are very, very sneaky - it LOOKS like they are gonna just fly by, but they take for freaking EVER!!!

    he is gonna be WAAAAAAY cool when you finish him, though!

  4. It`s absolutely beautiful.Love,love!!

  5. I REALLY love the Twister Jack. I first came across this Twister ruler when someone brought it to one of my workshops. I loved the look. What a great job.

  6. Your colors in Mr. Jack is awesome! Much better than on the pattern itself. I have the pattern but no time to make it for this year. Next year for sure.


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