Sunday, October 20, 2013

I've Been Missing, Haven't I?

I keep waiting for life to slow down a little bit, but so far no luck.  What have I been doing this week?  Well, I sure can't say I've done a stitch of sewing!  But remember this quilt?

We sold a bunch of raffle tickets at my office and drew a winner this week--Riesa, one of the secretaries, won the quilt, thanks in part to all the tickets her boss bought in her name.  All the proceeds are being donated to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk here in Sacramento today (October 20th).  Between raffle tickets and donations made over the course of the last month or two, the office raised over $1,000!

Did you know last Wednesday was Bosses' Day?  I headed up a committee with two other ladies from my office to organize a celebration.  Just about everyone joined in to make it a fun event.  On Wednesday, each of the bosses received a coffee mug ("Best Lawyer in the Room" with their bar number written on the back).  The mug was filled with a snack mix and an invitation to breakfast on Thursday morning.  Then, of course, many of us brought breakfast casseroles, fruit, muffins, bacon, sausage, etc., for the meal.  We decorated the lunch room late in the afternoon on Wednesday and got in early, early on Thursday to make sure everything was prepared and ready by 9 a.m.  Two of our new secretaries organized a trivia game and had funny "boss/office" prizes.  It turned out great!

I also had a fun filled week of dealing with computer issues at work.  The hard drive in my old computer died a month or so ago and I'd been working on a temporary one.  They brought back my old computer this week, fully repaired and restored . . . except it was missing one key program and there were glitches all over the place because they hadn't quite gotten the settings back to where they should be.  I spent three hours on the phone with our computer support who remotely installed and uninstalled the "missing" program four times, but it still didn't work.  Finally our office IT person tracked down the program disk, and I installed it myself.  But all those other glitches were still present, so the computer geeks are supposed to be working out all the kinks this weekend--hopefully when I go back on Monday, things will run smoothly.  But as a result of the computer issues, our Bosses' Day celebration, and the breast cancer fund raising efforts, I spent a whole lot of overtime at the office.  And when I wasn't at the office, chances were I could be found at the CrossFit gym ("box").

Wednesday was my daughter-in-law's 33rd birthday--you remember "the Lovely Wife," right?  She's been doing CrossFit with me, so after our workout on Wednesday (33 repetitions of about 10 different exercises in honor of her birthday), our trainer and the five of us ladies in the class walked next door to a little hole-in-the-wall bar for a celebratory drink.  Or two.  Okay, it was one celebratory drink for me, plus a diet coke and ice water, but the bartenders (there was a shift change while we were there) had fun making mystery drinks for my daugher-in-law and the other young lady in our group.  When I left, my friend Missy said she'd drive her own daughter and the Lovely Wife home.  That was the night, too, that Missy and I had to go home and cook stuff for the Bosses' Day breakfast the next morning.  I'm not sure either of us got much sleep that night.

AND on Thursday, my new boss, his old secretary, and I took a client out to lunch.  This client is someone I'll be working with quite a lot in the future, so it was an opportunity for us to get to know one another.  The timing could have been better, but we had a good lunch, a nice time, and a relaxing interlude with good weather on the patio of the restaurant.

So I've been busy, right?  Then on Saturday, instead of being able to hang around the Sweat Shop and play with scraps of fabric or do anything else of a quilty nature, I had to run errands, get groceries, and shop for a few new clothing items.  Nothing too exciting, but I needed some new workout wear because it's starting to get a little too chilly for me to want to wear shorts much and my trainer thought my longer pants were so baggy he couldn't see my legs, and he was worried I was going to smack myself in the kneecap with a kettlebell.   Yeah, that's not likely since I know exactly where my kneecaps are, but I decided it was time to look for something else.

I hope to find a little time on Sunday to spend in the Sweat Shop although Hubby and I have some social plans in the afternoon and early evening, so I'm not likely to get too much time to sew.  Oh, well, someday I'll plan a whole day free and I'll lock myself in there.  In the meantime, I don't have any progress to show you on the Pie in the Sky project (or the Twister Jack for that matter), but I'm hoping you have some scrappy goodness to share.

Remember this is the last weekend to link up and then comment if you'd like to be entered in a drawing for a box of my scrappy leftovers.  I'll draw a winner from the entries on Monday night and announce it on Tuesday--unless life doesn't allow me the time on Monday night and I'm running late.  Sheesh!


  1. Missed you last week - wow what a week! Catch your breath and then relax for a bit!


  2. Wow, that is some crazy busy week you had. Hope you get a chance to catch your breath and do some sewing today.
    I would love to win your box of scraps.

  3. I too missed you last week. Sounds like you had a hectic yet fun week. Happy quilting.

  4. I hope your busyness subsides soon... would love your scraps!

  5. Take a break and then get back to Jack. I have to see him complete.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!