Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hurray for the Weekend!

If you're like me, you probably have several things planned for your weekend, but I hope at least one of them involves some quality quilting time.  I don't think I'll find time to fit in some scrappy stitching on Saturday, but my Sunday is wide open right now--assuming I get my chores done on Saturday!  So Sunday is earmarked for spending a little time in the Sweat Shop where I hope to work on a couple projects, including my scrappy Pie in the Sky project--more sashing strips to assemble--and the partially stitched project that's taking up valuable real estate on the design wall.  I need to get that OFF so I can put up the Pie in the Sky blocks and see where I'm at with all the component parts.

Remember if you link up and show your current scrappy project on your blog this weekend or even during next week, leave me a comment telling me you'd like to be entered in the drawing for the next big box o'scraps--I think I'll give it this week and then draw a winner right after NEXT weekend, so you have two more opportunities to enter the drawing.

Here's Mister Linky so you can sign up--remember to post your project to your blog first because people will want to click on the link and see what you've been doing.

Happy scrappy sewing and happy weekend!


  1. I hope you got all your chores done on Saturday and have lots of time to quilt today. Count me in on the drawing for the box of scraps--love other people's bits & pieces!

  2. I would love your scraps Kim! Happy sewing...

  3. I`d love to play with your scraps!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!