Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Tisket, a Tasket, Four More Blocks from the Basket . . .

I was almost late to my own party this week!  I just finished my four blocks at around 1 a.m.--normally I have them made the Sunday before or, at the latest, sometime during the week.  But not this time!  Here are my four for this week:

When I tucked these four away in my block binder, I checked how many plastic sleeves were empty and by my calculations, I should just need four more blocks to have enough for the quilt.

Now, why didn't I get busy on my blocks earlier on Saturday?  Well, I got up fairly early so I could make a trip to the farmers' market--our super hot weather finally broke and now we just have plain ordinary hot weather, which means it's pretty nice early in the day and late in the evening, so a Saturday morning trip to the farmers' market is an attractive idea again.  Then I made a quick stop at Trader Joe's for a few other things.

And I don't quite know what got into me, but with all that beautiful fresh produce, I decided I needed to do a complete cleaning of the refrigerator--even going so far as to move it out from the wall and clean under and behind it.

Whew!  That was quite a job!  I kind of thought after that--and after fixing a very, very late breakfast and being comfortably full--that it was time for a nice nap.  So there went most of Saturday.  By the time I did a few other things around the house, fixed dinner, and took care of a couple stitching tasks, it was Saturday evening and way past the time I should have started on my blocks.  But it WAS a very nice way to spend a weekend day.  I hope your was good too!


  1. I am enjoying picking my favorites of your weekly blocks. This week I pick the navy print with the yellow center. This is going to be a pretty quilt.

  2. Love your blocks! I should go to our farmer's market, but I just never seem to make it. Hmmm...wonder if that would inspire me to clean my refrigerator?

  3. Wow, four more fun blocks. I'm getting excited to see them all go together. I'm not joining in this week as I have been traveling and have nothing to share, but I should be back next week!

  4. Your quilt is going to be Beautiful! Sounds like a nice Saturday.

  5. More great blocks! Your quilt will be so much fun :-) Your trip to the Farmers' Market made me smile - it's so funny how one thing leads to another leads to another leads to another!!!


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