Saturday, July 6, 2013

Scrap Basket Sunday Sign Ups!

My stitchery friends and I went to see the movie The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy this afternoon--it was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time, and I'd definitely recommend it!  I'd read a couple reviews beforehand that were critical of the language used in the movie, which is admitted pretty rough, but I think it was necessary to the the characters and to point up the difference between the personalities of the FBI agent and the Boston street cop.  The movie would not have been nearly as funny without it.  Still, if you are very offended by swearing, this wouldn't be the movie for you.  Personally, I hope they make a sequel--these two actresses were terrific together!  After the movie, we all had dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant; the food was good and so was the company.  All in all, a really nice evening!

Driving home tonight, I started thinking about Scrap Basket Sunday--boy, I need to make my next set of blocks so I have something to show on Sunday!  Once you're ready to show us your scrappy project, please add your name and blog link to the list below.  Hopefully I'll have made by blocks by then!  "See" you on Sunday!


  1. I agree, The Heat was hilarious!!!!

  2. Joining you Sunday for scrap quilting in the heat. The stitching should occur on a beach.

  3. I am a little early with my post, but you can never tell what the evening might bring!

  4. Thanks for recommending the movie. I need a good laugh out loud movie to go see.

    It sounds like all of you had a great time.

    I have my post ready! It's almost 3am Sunday morning, but it's up and ready to go! lol

  5. I'm glad you liked that movie, it is one I've been thinking of seeing. I fell off the scrap wagon for a few weeks, it feels good to be back! ;)

  6. My first check-in! I'm working on signature blocs for an exchange and trying to use just scraps :D

  7. Thank goodness for 4 day weekends! I was able to play in the sewing room all day yesterday! I actually went to the movies on Friday. We saw the Lone Ranger... who could pass up a JD movie? I will put the Heat on my list! Always love a good laugh!

  8. Oh how funny we did the same thing last Friday night, but in reverse order. We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant before the movie.
    Oh boy was it good & the movie was hysterical.
    I agree they need to team those 2 together again.
    Love both of them.
    So nice the heat finally broke.
    We had an unusually long stretch since we are only 30 miles from the ocean just not used to the 90+ days. Of course the fog is in this morning but will burn off for another nice day.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!