Monday, July 8, 2013


I'm so glad so many of you took the time to recommend your favorite blogs and I'm equally glad that several of you remembered the last time we did this and said you enjoyed it then.  I can see I have many hours of blog reading ahead of me as I did last time.

I randomly selected a winner for the giveaway, and the winner is Doris R., who said:

"Hi Kim, thanks for another fun giveaway! Three of my favorite blogs are:, it belongs to Lori, who features other quilters' work, her quilts and her life adventures, AND, she makes quilts for the Alzheimer Project!, and it belongs to Patti, who shares her quilts and her life events. and it belongs to Marcie, who designs patterns, and shares her work and has free patterns that she offers at times.

These are a few of my favorite quilters because their work speaks to my quilting spirit. I love their colorways and designs! I LOVE eye candy and these three blogs give me plenty of them!  Thanks for the chance to win."

The nice thing about this giveaway is that even if you didn't win the prize, you still ended up with a list of highly recommended blogs to read and be inspired by!

Sometime in the next couple days, I want to talk about book recommendations, so start thinking about what books you've read lately that you'd recommend to the rest of us.

Doris, please email me your mailing address and I'll get your prize out to you this week.  Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim, I sent you my mailing address via Windows Live, I hope it shows up in your mailbox!

    I am so excited to win this giveaway! I can't wait to receive my goodies, they look delicious! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

    Doris R.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!