Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scrap Basket Sunday Sign-Ups!

It's Friday night and there's no quilting going on.  Do you remember I said some months back that I wasn't going to blog on Friday nights, I wasn't going to quilt, and I was going to go out to dinner with Hubby and then lay around in the bath with a bath bomb from Lush followed by Tylenol PM and an early night in bed?  Well, I keep breaking my own rules.  There have been nights when I've really wanted to head to the Sweat Shop after our dinner out, and then I'm up late as usual, and/or I decide to skip the bath bomb for whatever reason.  Invariably, later on, I find that by not getting that winding down and transition time between the work week and the weekend, I'm not feeling relaxed, refreshed, and reenergized.  So I'm going back to the original rules, except for the blogging part because I DO need to post the scrap basket sign ups.  So what I'm getting at is that you're not missing anything--I'm not quilting those last two blocks just yet.

So, here's the Mister Linky sign-up for Sunday--I hope you'll join us in working with some scraps and then showing us what you've made.  When you've posted or are ready to post your scrappy deliciousness to your blog, just add your blog to the link list and we'll come visit.  ("If you link it, they will come!")  "See" you then!


  1. I made another week! This time I made some pin cushions.

  2. I will be posting mine some time today. I'm getting ready for grandkids to come over for a visit, so it may be tonight, sometime.

    I do enjoy seeing everyone's projects.

  3. I missed the last several weeks, but here I am! I love this idea, Kim. Thanks!

  4. Happy Sunday! Hope you all had a great sewing day!

  5. Well, I got my pictures shot, and I can't find my card reader. It's the joy of having a teenager in your house and the joy of being a mom; nothing is yours. lol

    I will be posting tomorrow. :)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!