Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Good Time to Sew . . .

We're having another heat wave--perhaps you've heard about it?  Our temps have been around 108 degrees, so it's best to just stay indoors with the air conditioning on and quietly sew.  The last time our temperatures were this high was a couple weeks ago and I was leading my stitchery friends from one non-air conditioned place to another!  Boy am I glad I'm not doing that again, and I'm sure they are too!

Have you been playing with your scraps this weekend?  I have four more blocks made for the Pie in the Sky quilt (from Kim Diehl's book Simple Graces).  A couple more weeks worth of blocks and I should be ready to start cutting sashing squares and putting it together.

I still have plenty of scraps left, so it will soon be time to think of another project, and the strings blocks are still drawing me.  I was also thinking I have a scrappy quilt top I pieced a few years ago that I'd like to quilt soon--maybe I can devote a few Scrap Basket Sundays to quilting a scrappy quilt.

Remember to post photos of your scrap project on your blog and link up in the post below so we can visit you to see what you've been doing.  Happy scrap day!


  1. I love the block with the red checked background and the purple block. So pretty. Happy quilting.

  2. Your quilt is going to be awesome, love your blocks. I guess we win here in Phx. we had 119 for a high temp yesterday. Not really a win right. But it's a dry heat, true no humidity but we are living in an oven.

  3. I have been seeing how hot it is in your area and in Carol's area. We are getting lots of rain. It's not as hot as what you both are experiencing.

    I love your blocks. I looked at my stack of fabrics I bought specifically to make that quilt. Mine won't be from my scraps, but it will still look scrappy. lol

    I look forward to seeing everyone's projects. I will post mine soon!

  4. I have all 20 blocks of the court house steps done for my scrappy quilt. I did not repeat one fabric and it all came out of the scrap box! I'm with you as far as staying in - 108 here in Redding too. Love that air!! Stay cool!!

  5. Keep that heat out there!!! We don't need heat and humidity! Bes to stay inside and sew!

  6. Kim. I cant wait to see the blocks all together. It is going to be a stunning quilt!! We're in the middle of winter here so dealing with frosts, not heatwaves!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!