Friday, June 28, 2013

I've Seen Fire(works) and I've Seen Rain . . .

"I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end . . . ."  Remember James Taylor's song, Fire and Rain?  I was thinking about tonight's blocks, and that song came to mind.  In fact, right now it's playing on an endless loop in my mind, and I wish someone would shut it off!  Ah, well, moving right along . . .

So tonight's blocks.  The first is April with the rain coming down because, as everyone knows, April showers bring May flowers.

I'm a bit concerned the rain drops might look like something else which I'd rather not say just in case there are children reading my blog.  But you know what I'm thinking, right?  Because chances are good you were thinking the same thing.  At least they don't have squiggly tails.  Sheesh!  But I think the whole quilt, viewed in context, won't look too odd.

Then there's July's block.  And July is rather predictable with the fireworks-filled sky.

Oh, that reminds me!  Happy Canada Day!  I know--I'm a couple days early.  But I always seem to forget ON the day, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it now.  And if you want, come on back ON Canada Day and read it again, so it's more timely.

As I've been posting my quilting photos, I've had a few comments asking about my machine, and it always seems like the people with the questions are the people who are "no-reply" so I'll answer the questions here.  I have a Juki that I use for quilting and I love it.  The best thing about a Juki over other domestic sewing machines is that the throat area is larger than most machines, so that means the quilter can wrestle a large quilt around easier.

Another cool thing about the Juki is that it's very industrial-like and not computerized, so there are fewer parts to go bad, and I'm told, since it's not computerized, it's less expensive to repair--I can't really say, though, because I've never had to repair anything on it.  As a final selling point, it's one of the machines that can easily be hooked up to a frame system and used a little more like a long arm, but unless I get a larger house, I don't think I'll be setting up a frame system any time soon.

I got my Juki several years ago on eBay--I purchased it from a sew and vac shop that offered free shipping; I made a "best offer" and they accepted--it was a really good deal and I've never regretted it.  Not like I've regretted thinking about James Taylor's Fire and Rain.

"My body's aching and my [bed]time is at hand.  And I won't make it any other way . . . ."


  1. Yea for the Canada Day long weekend! Thanks Kim for the (early) good wishes. In the spirit of Canada Day I will leave you this link to one of our national icons singing It's Canada Day. ( ok maybe you have to be Canadian to appreciate Stomping Tom Connors, lol)

    I love your quilt. I have one of those larger throat mechanical machines. ( Pfaff ) I find the single stitch machines don't have as many tension issues when you are free motion quilting.


  2. I bought a long arm off of craigs list about a month ago ... yep need lots and lots of room! It's been an excellent adventure -- but for straight lines and small spaces a sit down is good. My next move is to add a juki to the mix!

  3. Another great square! Now, thanks for the song in my head.....

  4. Love your close-up on your quilting. Always wondered how to quilt blocks with so much detail; add more detail. Really helpful, inspiration.Stephani in N. TX (

  5. i do NOT mind Fire and Rain playing on an endless loop - and it has now replaced I'm Gonna Be (the Celtic Thunder version - i LOVE George, but i am really, really weary of him walking 500 miles in my head) so THANK YOU!!!

  6. Blocks are looking good...........

  7. Love your blocks and I love my Juki just like you do ;-)

  8. I think your blocks are great and so unique and special. Thanks for the wonderful ideas and inspiration!
    Have you ever done a quilt-as-you-go project? Quilt the blocks individually, then connect them with sashing? Just wondering...
    Jennifer of Seams Crazy

  9. I recently purchased a Juki TL2010Q
    and love it. I have been having some tiny problems transitioning my settings between free motion and regular sewing, but it is definitely me and not the machine. I would love to hear more from you about your Juki and what settings you use, etc. I heard one quilter on the internet say that she uses a topstitch 100/16 needle on her Juki when she free motion quilts. What do you use?

  10. I love James Taylor! Now that song is playing in my head. Thank you! :)

    Your quilting is beautiful. Although I have a Juki for quilting, and a Bernina for piecing (I really think we are quilting sisters separated at birth), I don't quilt as well as you do on yours. I need more practice.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!