Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's Scrap Basket Sunday

That means it's time to use your scraps and/or visit other quilters who are working from their scraps to make deliciously lovely quilts.  As I'm writing this late Saturday night, there are ten of us, including me, who have signed up and are planning to post their blocks today; I suspect more of us will join in as the day goes on.  I'm certainly planning to visit everyone, and I hope you will too.

It's funny to think I'm now concerned about not having enough scraps but that's actually the case.  So on Saturday night, I pulled out the Country Cottages project--I still have two blocks left to make--and set aside the fabrics I still need to complete it, folded up the pieces of fabric that are large enough to go back on the fabric shelves, and added the remaining scraps to my basket.  And while I was doing that, I cut 186 2-1/2" squares for sashing the Country Cottages blocks--I still need to cut another 20 squares for that project.  Maybe I'll find some fabrics in my scraps for those 20 squares and mix things up a little bit that way.  I decided that pulling out the Country Cottages project tonight was a win-win situation--now I have a few more scraps for variety AND I've moved a little further on a project that hadn't seen the light of day in a few months.  I plan to get that one finished before too much longer too.

So, let me show you the blocks I made last week:

I've been using a lot of geometric scraps with stripes and dots and I like the way they all look together.  This Sunday, I'll make at least four more, and that will give me a total of 16--about a quarter of the blocks I need for the quilt.  Not too bad!

Also on Saturday, I ordered the pattern for this quilt from Primitive Gatherings, Pinwheel Garden.  I was going to wait until I went back to the local quilt shop to get the pattern, because I believe in supporting our local shops, but I don't expect I'll make it back by there in the next few weeks.  I wish I'd taken the time to look for it when I was there the other night.

Something else I wish I'd done the other night--I wish I'd taken a photo of a quilt shown by one of the Thimbleberries ladies, Wilma, that was from a pattern in the Scrap Basket Sensations book.  If you're familiar with the book, it's one that looks like connecting green circles, except Wilma added purple into hers and it was awesome!  The darker scraps made the pattern pop.  It was only later that night that I realized I'd missed an opportunity to share a really excellent quilt with you.  I don't know where my brain was!

I spent the day Saturday with my stitchery friends and I have a little project I worked on to show you, but I'll wait until tomorrow to share.  Now I'm anxious to get to bed so I can wake up Sunday morning and play with some scraps.  Happy scrapping to you!


  1. Your scrappy blocks are looking good. I love the geometric patterns. Happy quilting.

  2. I'm really loving the geometrics in the blocks you are making, as well as the blocks themselves. I'm adding that project to a huge list in my head! So the first week of the linky, I signed up with my general blog address, because I'm posting my blog on Sunday. Last week and this week, I waited until Sunday to sign up so I could use the address of my Scrap Basket Sunday post. I'm a bit confused, which one should I do?

  3. JoAnne, I too was confused so you were not the only one!! This one this week is better! Thanks Kim & I love your blocks. Ohhh to many ideas and not enough time.! Thanks

  4. The Pinwheel Garden looks like a great project - especially in the small versions.
    Great scrap blocks.

  5. Missing out on Scrap Basket Sunday this week...had planned to cut up scraps and make little block kits to work's been one of THOSE weeks...Your blocks are looking GOOD!!!!

  6. Hey Kim, it's late in the day on Scrap Basket Sunday but I finally finished my sewing and posted pictures on my blog.

  7. I love Pinwheel Garden but am a bit scared off by all the HSTs. I know, you make it first, I'll follow your progress, then decide if I can do it. How about it, oh fearless leader? (I say with a chuckle.)

  8. I'm making the scrappy blocks, in fact I'm using the same pattern as you, but alas I'm one of your blog less readers. So one if these Saturdays I'll send you an email with my blocks. I've discovered I don't have many large scraps, so this is a challenge but I think I'll like the finished project!

  9. Oh I love the starry churn dashes! They look fantastic in the geometric scraps.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!