Monday, April 15, 2013

And the Weekend Comes to an End . . .

Yesterday I mentioned I'd spent Saturday with my stitchery friends and I had completed something to show you.  Here it is--the latest sheep blanket (I think it's the April blanket).

This is the project I kit up for my friends each month, so the pressure's on me to lead by example and finish each month's blanket.  Otherwise, I'm not sure that I would!

Do you think it might be possible to drown in unfinished projects?  Probably not, right?  Good thing for me, because otherwise I'd surely be a gonner!  I feel like I have several different projects started, and I want to work on all of them at once--I hardly know which to work on next!  But here's the Country Cottages project I also mentioned the other day--I got the blocks out and put them up on the design wall again to see where I was on this one, because it's been a few months since I worked on it.

And on Sunday, besides playing in my scraps (and I'll show you those blocks next weekend), I prepped the applique for the last two blocks of the Country Cottages BOM.

Of course, I also still have the George Schibbles I'm quilting.  I think I have a clear case of quilting ADHD, don't you?!


  1. The sheep blanket is darling - love it!

    I certainly hope you do not drown in your ufo's, however I can see why it might happen! I am awful about beginning new projects without finishing others.

    Everything looks wonderful, lots of inspiration! :)

  2. Great Projects! I am certain I have QADD/QADHD and maybe I could subtract the Q for real life but I've gotten better at working a group of projects to keep my choices open yet moving them to finishes at the same time.

    I get so bored with only one project at a time and I think that's why I am drawn to smaller projects and scrappy quilts. Lots of variety works best for me!

    Those houses are adorable!

  3. Love the sheep blanket! Very sweet! I am also glad you finish your BOM's because it inspires me to get to them eventually. I think more projects are better. You don't get bored that way! Keep up the great work. K-

  4. I think we all have some form of QAHDH . I collect projects , fabrics , and ideas and spend too much time online ooohing and ahhhing over other's projects than I do sewing ! I pinned your cottages in case I ever make a quilt like that ! they are the CUTEST I have seen with all the details you did for the different seasons !!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!