Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scrap Basket Sunday Sign-Ups

Got scraps?  Make blocks!  And then show us on your blog, because we'd all love to see what you're working on and pick up a few ideas and inspiration too.  Ideally, play in your scrap basket on Sunday and write a blog post the same day.  But if Sunday isn't a good day for you to sew, pick another day during the week and post photos of your results on Sundays.  Just as soon as you're ready to show us what you've been doing, please add your name to Mr. Linky below.  Where it wants your URL, copy and paste either your main blog site address or the address for the specific post where you show us your blocks.

Mr. Linky suggests you leave me a comment, but it's not necessary if you really don't feel like it.  Still, I DO love to hear from you, so I'm not trying to discourage comments!  Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow with my blocks.


  1. Oh, I'm going to have to keep this in mind. I have a scrap basket that just keeps growing. Yikes. I'll see what I can do! :) Have a great weekend!

  2. Hopefully by joining in I will gain control of the overflowing basket of scraps. It is snowing today. It is April. Maybe if I sew in the snow in April (when it should be spring!!)I will grow a garden of scrappy flowers. Thank you for the chance to join.

  3. Hehehe, I'm in. ;) I'm going to do Scrap Basket Saturday - and show you on Sunday. Saturdays the Hubby works and the kids like to lay around (lucky me) so I can squeeze in a little scrap play. Great idea!

  4. I've been thinking up a project to use up all my almost-too-small scraps so I can spring clean my scrap bins. In the meantime, I'm working on a scrap quilt and realizing that a scrappy pile of pieces cut for the border were the result of the last time I cleaned out those scraps. There's some sort of weird syncronicity or scrap déja vu happening here.

  5. Hi Kim - I won't sign up this week as scraps aren't on my mind just now (which is really strange for me!) but I hope you all have a great time rummaging in your scrap baskets :-)

  6. Looking forward to what everyone has to share this week!

  7. I went ahead and added my name on this Saturday evening because I will be able to sew my blocks tomorrow and share a picture on my blog.

  8. I have a ton of scraps that need to be used! Hopefully this will motivate me to do something with them!

  9. I managed to get another small quilt made, despite a crazy week! There is nothing like a "linky" hanging over my head to inspire me! He he.

  10. More progress on my scrap project this week. This is exactly what I need to keep me at it!

  11. I am going to be starting next Sunday.
    take care,

  12. I'm pretty late signing up ..... but if you knew me, that's nothing new !!! Anyhow, better late than never???
    Thanks for the fun idea !!! I have a basket of Sweetwater "Noteworthy" scraps that I won from the Sweetwater gals last fall, and now I'm motivated to use them up ! Come visit !

  13. I had a chance to work on the outfit for a little doll yesterday. I hope that counts. I needed to finish the little dolly for Evie. I'm going to go see what everyone else did on SBS now! Thanks Kim!

  14. I like this idea Kim. I want to start joining in, though it won't be this Sunday as I'm in class all day. I have so many scraps I need to use!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!